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Speech Recognition


Building pipelines that low resource language researchers can adapt to their language.

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Search Results: all data

Showing 6 of 6 results, you can click on any of the items to see more details to further refine your search.

რა ტემპერატურაა დღეს?
ra t'emp'erat'uraa dghes


რა ტემპერატურაა დღეს?
ra t'emp'erat'uraa dghes

ხელშეკრულების სტანდარტული პირობები
khelshek'rulebis st'andart'uli p'irobebi


ხელშეკრულების სტანდარტული პირობები
khelshek'rulebis st'andart'uli p'irobebi

როგორ აღვადგინო გაუქმებული ფეისბუქის გვერდი?
rogor aghvadgino gaukmebuli peisbukis gverdi
How can I restore a canceled Facebook page?


როგორ აღვადგინო გაუქმებული ფეისბუქის გვერდი?
rogor aghvadgino gaukmebuli peisbukis gverdi
How can I restore a canceled Facebook page?

სად ხარ??
sad xar
Where are you?


სად ხარ??
sad xar
Where are you?

ახლა არ მცალია და საგამოს გადმოვალ.
axla ar mcalia da sagamos gadmoval


ახლა არ მცალია და საგამოს გადმოვალ.
axla ar mcalia da sagamos gadmoval

ნასყიდობის ხელშეკრულება
nasqidobis khelshek'ruleba


ნასყიდობის ხელშეკრულება
nasqidobis khelshek'ruleba

  "docIds": [
  "pouchname": "speechrecognition-kartuli",
  "dbname": "speechrecognition-kartuli",
  "datumIds": [
  "fieldDBtype": "DataList",
  "version": "v5.26.21",
  "title": "Search Results: all data",
  "id": "all_data",
  "docs": [
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?, etc). Leaving it blank can mean grammatical/acceptable, or you can choose a new symbol for this meaning.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {
            "writingSystem": {
              "id": "",
              "referenceLink": ""
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "რა ტემპერატურაა დღეს?",
          "encryptedValue": "რა ტემპერატურაა დღეს?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or transcription. Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ra t'emp'erat'uraa dghes",
          "encryptedValue": "ra t'emp'erat'uraa dghes",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ra t'emp'erat'uraa dghes",
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          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "ra t'emp'erat'ura-a dghes",
          "encryptedValue": "ra t'emp'erat'ura-a dghes",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
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          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc)  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "what temperature-BE today",
          "encryptedValue": "what temperature-BE today",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "what temperature-BE today",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "Q N ADV",
          "encryptedValue": "Q N ADV",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Q N ADV",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Free translation into whichever language your team is comfortable with (e.g. English, Spanish, etc). You can also add additional custom fields for one or more additional translation languages and choose which of those you want to export with the data each time. Line 3 in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
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          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Tags for constructions or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "WebSearch",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "WebSearch",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity (replaces DatumStates). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
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          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
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          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
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          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {
            "wiki": "",
            "latex": ""
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          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
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      "modifiedByUser": "Gina Chiodo",
      "igtCache": {
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            "orthography": "რა",
            "utterance": "ra",
            "morphemes": "ra",
            "gloss": "what",
            "syntacticCategory": "Q"
            "orthography": "ტემპერატურაა",
            "utterance": "t'emp'erat'uraa",
            "morphemes": "t'emp'erat'ura-a",
            "gloss": "temperature-BE",
            "syntacticCategory": "N"
            "orthography": "დღეს?",
            "utterance": "dghes",
            "morphemes": "dghes",
            "gloss": "today",
            "syntacticCategory": "ADV"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "რა ტემპერატურაა დღეს?",
          "utterance": "ra t'emp'erat'uraa dghes",
          "translation": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "syntacticTreeLatex": "\\item[\\sc{Left}] \\Tree  [  [ ra t'emp'erat'ura-a ]  dghes ]  \\\\ \n \\item[\\sc{Right}] \\Tree  [ ra  [ t'emp'erat'ura-a dghes ]  ] ",
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
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            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
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        "version": "v5.26.21",
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      "enteredByUser": "Gina Chiodo",
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      "id": "185ff5abd7c957eed3da22d99b034546"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?, etc). Leaving it blank can mean grammatical/acceptable, or you can choose a new symbol for this meaning.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {
            "writingSystem": {
              "id": "",
              "referenceLink": ""
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "ხელშეკრულების სტანდარტული პირობები",
          "encryptedValue": "ხელშეკრულების სტანდარტული პირობები",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "ხელშეკრულების სტანდარტული პირობები",
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          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or transcription. Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "khelshek'rulebis st'andart'uli p'irobebi",
          "encryptedValue": "khelshek'rulebis st'andart'uli p'irobebi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "khelshek'rulebis st'andart'uli p'irobebi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "khelshek'ruleb-is st'andart'-uli p'irob-ebi",
          "encryptedValue": "khelshek'ruleb-is st'andart'-uli p'irob-ebi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "khelshek'ruleb-is st'andart'-uli p'irob-ebi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc)  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "contract-GEN standard-ADJ condition-PL",
          "encryptedValue": "contract-GEN standard-ADJ condition-PL",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "contract-GEN standard-ADJ condition-PL",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Free translation into whichever language your team is comfortable with (e.g. English, Spanish, etc). You can also add additional custom fields for one or more additional translation languages and choose which of those you want to export with the data each time. Line 3 in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
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          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Tags for constructions or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
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          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "LegalDictation",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity (replaces DatumStates). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {
            "tags": []
          "mask": "",
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          "value": "",
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          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
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          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {
            "wiki": "",
            "latex": ""
          "mask": "",
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          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
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          "readonly": true,
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {
            "relatedData": []
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
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          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
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      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ხელშეკრულების",
            "utterance": "khelshek'rulebis",
            "morphemes": "khelshek'ruleb-is",
            "gloss": "contract-GEN",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სტანდარტული",
            "utterance": "st'andart'uli",
            "morphemes": "st'andart'-uli",
            "gloss": "standard-ADJ",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პირობები",
            "utterance": "p'irobebi",
            "morphemes": "p'irob-ebi",
            "gloss": "condition-PL",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ხელშეკრულების სტანდარტული პირობები",
          "utterance": "khelshek'rulebis st'andart'uli p'irobebi",
          "translation": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1714170733600,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "enteredByUser": "Gina Chiodo",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "185ff5abd7c957eed3da22d99b03eaba"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?, etc). Leaving it blank can mean grammatical/acceptable, or you can choose a new symbol for this meaning.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {
            "writingSystem": {
              "id": "",
              "referenceLink": ""
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "როგორ აღვადგინო გაუქმებული ფეისბუქის გვერდი?",
          "encryptedValue": "როგორ აღვადგინო გაუქმებული ფეისბუქის გვერდი?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "როგორ აღვადგინო გაუქმებული ფეისბუქის გვერდი?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or transcription. Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "rogor aghvadgino gaukmebuli peisbukis gverdi",
          "encryptedValue": "rogor aghvadgino gaukmebuli peisbukis gverdi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "rogor aghvadgino gaukmebuli peisbukis gverdi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "rogor aghvadgino gaukmeb-uli peisbukis gverdi",
          "encryptedValue": "rogor aghvadgino gaukmeb-uli peisbukis gverdi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "rogor aghvadgino gaukmeb-uli peisbukis gverdi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc)  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "how restore cancel-ADJ facebook-GEN page",
          "encryptedValue": "how restore cancel-ADJ facebook-GEN page",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "how restore cancel-ADJ facebook-GEN page",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Free translation into whichever language your team is comfortable with (e.g. English, Spanish, etc). You can also add additional custom fields for one or more additional translation languages and choose which of those you want to export with the data each time. Line 3 in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "How can I restore a canceled Facebook page?",
          "encryptedValue": "How can I restore a canceled Facebook page?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "How can I restore a canceled Facebook page?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Tags for constructions or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "WebSearch",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "WebSearch",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity (replaces DatumStates). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {
            "tags": []
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {
            "wiki": "",
            "latex": ""
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "readonly": true,
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {
            "relatedData": []
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "როგორ",
            "utterance": "rogor",
            "morphemes": "rogor",
            "gloss": "how",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აღვადგინო",
            "utterance": "aghvadgino",
            "morphemes": "aghvadgino",
            "gloss": "restore",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "გაუქმებული",
            "utterance": "gaukmebuli",
            "morphemes": "gaukmeb-uli",
            "gloss": "cancel-ADJ",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ფეისბუქის",
            "utterance": "peisbukis",
            "morphemes": "peisbukis",
            "gloss": "facebook-GEN",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "გვერდი?",
            "utterance": "gverdi",
            "morphemes": "gverdi",
            "gloss": "page",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "როგორ აღვადგინო გაუქმებული ფეისბუქის გვერდი?",
          "utterance": "rogor aghvadgino gaukmebuli peisbukis gverdi",
          "translation": "How can I restore a canceled Facebook page?"
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "gina",
          "text": "This example seems to be an odd search result, how did we find this?",
          "timestamp": 1511650410804,
          "dateCreated": 1511650410804,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1714170733618,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "enteredByUser": "Gina Chiodo",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "185ff5abd7c957eed3da22d99b035e87"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?, etc). Leaving it blank can mean grammatical/acceptable, or you can choose a new symbol for this meaning.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {
            "writingSystem": {
              "id": "",
              "referenceLink": ""
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "სად ხარ??",
          "encryptedValue": "სად ხარ??",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "სად ხარ??",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or transcription. Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "sad xar",
          "encryptedValue": "sad xar",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "sad xar",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc)  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "where",
          "encryptedValue": "where",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "where",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Free translation into whichever language your team is comfortable with (e.g. English, Spanish, etc). You can also add additional custom fields for one or more additional translation languages and choose which of those you want to export with the data each time. Line 3 in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Where are  you?",
          "encryptedValue": "Where are  you?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Where are  you?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Tags for constructions or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "SMS",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "SMS",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity (replaces DatumStates). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {
            "tags": []
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {
            "wiki": "",
            "latex": ""
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "readonly": true,
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {
            "relatedData": []
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
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          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
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          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
      "modifiedByUser": "Gina Chiodo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "სად",
            "utterance": "sad",
            "morphemes": "",
            "gloss": "where",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ხარ??",
            "utterance": "xar",
            "morphemes": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "სად ხარ??",
          "utterance": "sad xar",
          "translation": "Where are  you?"
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1714170733636,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "enteredByUser": "Gina Chiodo",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "185ff5abd7c957eed3da22d99b03951f"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?, etc). Leaving it blank can mean grammatical/acceptable, or you can choose a new symbol for this meaning.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {
            "writingSystem": {
              "id": "",
              "referenceLink": ""
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "ახლა არ მცალია და საგამოს გადმოვალ.",
          "encryptedValue": "ახლა არ მცალია და საგამოს გადმოვალ.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "ახლა არ მცალია და საგამოს გადმოვალ.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or transcription. Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "axla ar mcalia da sagamos gadmoval",
          "encryptedValue": "axla ar mcalia da sagamos gadmoval",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "axla ar mcalia da sagamos gadmoval",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc)  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "now NEG ? ? ? ?",
          "encryptedValue": "now NEG ? ? ? ?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "now NEG ? ? ? ?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
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          "version": "v5.26.21",
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          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Free translation into whichever language your team is comfortable with (e.g. English, Spanish, etc). You can also add additional custom fields for one or more additional translation languages and choose which of those you want to export with the data each time. Line 3 in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
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          "version": "v5.26.21",
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          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity (replaces DatumStates). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {
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          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {
            "wiki": "",
            "latex": ""
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          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "readonly": true,
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {
            "relatedData": []
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
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      "modifiedByUser": "Gina Chiodo",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ახლა",
            "utterance": "axla",
            "morphemes": "",
            "gloss": "now",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "არ",
            "utterance": "ar",
            "morphemes": "",
            "gloss": "NEG",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მცალია",
            "utterance": "mcalia",
            "morphemes": "",
            "gloss": "?",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "და",
            "utterance": "da",
            "morphemes": "",
            "gloss": "?",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საგამოს",
            "utterance": "sagamos",
            "morphemes": "",
            "gloss": "?",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "გადმოვალ.",
            "utterance": "gadmoval",
            "morphemes": "",
            "gloss": "?",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ახლა არ მცალია და საგამოს გადმოვალ.",
          "utterance": "axla ar mcalia da sagamos gadmoval",
          "translation": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1714170733651,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "enteredByUser": "Gina Chiodo",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "185ff5abd7c957eed3da22d99b03ba1e"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?, etc). Leaving it blank can mean grammatical/acceptable, or you can choose a new symbol for this meaning.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {
            "writingSystem": {
              "id": "",
              "referenceLink": ""
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "ნასყიდობის ხელშეკრულება",
          "encryptedValue": "ნასყიდობის ხელშეკრულება",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "ნასყიდობის ხელშეკრულება",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or transcription. Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "nasqidobis khelshek'ruleba",
          "encryptedValue": "nasqidobis khelshek'ruleba",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "nasqidobis khelshek'ruleba",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "nasqidob-is khelshek'rul-eba",
          "encryptedValue": "nasqidob-is khelshek'rul-eba",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "nasqidob-is khelshek'rul-eba",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc)  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "contract-GEN agreement",
          "encryptedValue": "contract-GEN agreement",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "contract-GEN agreement",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Free translation into whichever language your team is comfortable with (e.g. English, Spanish, etc). You can also add additional custom fields for one or more additional translation languages and choose which of those you want to export with the data each time. Line 3 in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v5.26.21",
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          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Tags for constructions or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
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          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "LegalDictation",
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          "version": "v5.26.21",
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          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity (replaces DatumStates). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
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          "label": "validationStatus",
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          "version": "v5.26.21",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
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          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {
            "wiki": "",
            "latex": ""
          "mask": "",
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            "relatedData": []
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
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          "version": "v5.26.21",
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      "igtCache": {
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            "orthography": "ნასყიდობის",
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            "gloss": "contract-GEN",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ხელშეკრულება",
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            "morphemes": "khelshek'rul-eba",
            "gloss": "agreement",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ნასყიდობის ხელშეკრულება",
          "utterance": "nasqidobis khelshek'ruleba",
          "translation": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1714170733666,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "enteredByUser": "Gina Chiodo",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "185ff5abd7c957eed3da22d99b040e64"
  "description": "Showing 6 of 6 results, you can click on any of the items to see more details to further refine your search."