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This is the community corpus where Georgian Together can share their examples (if they choose). It is curated by Esmita, Gina and Tamiik. If you want to join us in the curation, send us an email at

Georgian Together

Corpus image

This is a corpus which Georgian Together users can pull data from, and contribute to. To install the Georgian Together app, or find out more about it, visit the Google Play store:

records indexed

Search Results: all data

Showing 50 of 72 results, you can click on any of the items to see more details to further refine your search.

It's difficult to explain.

It's difficult to explain.




არა მადლობა
No thanks


არა მადლობა
No thanks










გთხოვთ გაიმეორეთ სამჯერ
Please repeat 3 times?


გთხოვთ გაიმეორეთ სამჯერ
Please repeat 3 times?

I'm cold.


I'm cold.

მინერალური წყალი
mineral water


მინერალური წყალი
mineral water

მოდი, მოდი!
Come in, come in!


მოდი, მოდი!
Come in, come in!

მოგლეთ გელოდებით სულ ყველას
Well, they're waiting for us (?)


მოგლეთ გელოდებით სულ ყველას
Well, they're waiting for us (?)

მოიცა რა


მოიცა რა

რა მეს ვისამ
I can do anything (I want).


რა მეს ვისამ
I can do anything (I want).




ჩამოსასხმელი ლუდი
draft beer


ჩამოსასხმელი ლუდი
draft beer


ხო დედა
Yes mom.


ხო დედა
Yes mom.

I don't want any, thanks.

I don't want any, thanks.

არ მაქვს
I don't have any.


არ მაქვს
I don't have any.




გაი დედიკო


გაი დედიკო

Meet each other.


Meet each other.








კი მაგრამ
Yeah but,


კი მაგრამ
Yeah but,

Thanks (most common form)


Thanks (most common form)








I'm coming.


I'm coming.

რად გინდა იმხელა ნაბიჯებს დგამ რო?!
Why do you take such long steps?!


რად გინდა იმხელა ნაბიჯებს დგამ რო?!
Why do you take such long steps?!


I know


I know

ვიცი და დამალაპარაკე ერთი
I know, can I speak to him/her?


ვიცი და დამალაპარაკე ერთი
I know, can I speak to him/her?

არ ვიცი
I dunno.


არ ვიცი
I dunno.








Is there heat?


Is there heat?

I gotta go.


I gotta go.

Are you listening?


Are you listening?

ვიცი ნანადედა ჩამოვიდა


ვიცი ნანადედა ჩამოვიდა


მეწ ვეხუმრებოდი
I also joked


მეწ ვეხუმრებოდი
I also joked

ორივე გიღდება
Both look nice.


ორივე გიღდება
Both look nice.

Well done!


Well done!

რას აკეთებ
What are you doing?!


რას აკეთებ
What are you doing?!





  "docIds": [
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  "dbname": "community-georgian",
  "datumIds": [
  "fieldDBtype": "DataList",
  "version": "v5.26.21",
  "title": "Search Results: all data",
  "id": "all_data",
  "docs": [
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "It's difficult to explain.",
          "encryptedValue": "It's difficult to explain.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "It's difficult to explain.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "(start a slow explanation or at least imply that something is lost in the translation)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "(start a slow explanation or at least imply that something is lost in the translation)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeElicited",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeElicited",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
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          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
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          "mask": "",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
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          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
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      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
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            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "",
          "translation": "It's difficult to explain.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991654,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "3328d6a49281e117e859adddcd026851"
      "media": [
          "filename": "alo.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
          "filename": "alo.png",
          "description": "Picking up the phone"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ალო",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ალო",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "alo",
          "encryptedValue": "alo",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "alo",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "alo",
          "encryptedValue": "alo",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "alo",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "alo",
          "encryptedValue": "alo",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "alo",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Hello?",
          "encryptedValue": "Hello?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Hello?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "only on the phone",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "only on the phone",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ალო",
            "utterance": "alo",
            "morphemes": "alo",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "alo"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ალო",
          "translation": "Hello?",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991673,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401be629"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "არა მადლობა",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "არა მადლობა",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ara madloba",
          "encryptedValue": "ara madloba",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ara madloba",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "madloba",
          "encryptedValue": "madloba",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "madloba",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "No thanks",
          "encryptedValue": "No thanks",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "No thanks",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "(heard at reception desk to a peddler who knocked)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "(heard at reception desk to a peddler who knocked)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "CheckedWithGirl1",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "CheckedWithGirl1",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "არა",
            "utterance": "ara",
            "morphemes": "madloba",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "მადლობა",
            "utterance": "madloba",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "არა მადლობა",
          "translation": "No thanks",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991690,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "723a8b707e579087aa36c2e338eb9be4"
      "media": [
          "filename": "gaumardjos.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "გაუმარჯოს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "გაუმარჯოს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "gaumardʒos",
          "encryptedValue": "gaumardʒos",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gaumardʒos",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "gaumardʒos",
          "encryptedValue": "gaumardʒos",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gaumardʒos",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "cheers",
          "encryptedValue": "cheers",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "cheers",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Cheers",
          "encryptedValue": "Cheers",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Cheers",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "drinking wine or hard alcohol",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "drinking wine or hard alcohol",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "გაუმარჯოს",
            "utterance": "gaumardʒos",
            "morphemes": "gaumardʒos",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "cheers"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "გაუმარჯოს",
          "translation": "Cheers",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991708,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401f7011"
      "media": [
          "filename": "gogo.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "გოგო,",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "გოგო,",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "gogo,",
          "encryptedValue": "gogo,",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gogo,",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "gogo",
          "encryptedValue": "gogo",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gogo",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "girl",
          "encryptedValue": "girl",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "girl",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Listen,",
          "encryptedValue": "Listen,",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Listen,",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "used before almost every sentence when (informally) addressing a female",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "used before almost every sentence when (informally) addressing a female",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
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          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
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      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "გოგო,",
            "utterance": "gogo,",
            "morphemes": "gogo",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "girl"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "გოგო,",
          "translation": "Listen,",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991723,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401e1d5e"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ღვინო",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ღვინო",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ɣvino",
          "encryptedValue": "ɣvino",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "ɣvino",
          "encryptedValue": "ɣvino",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ɣvino",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "N",
          "encryptedValue": "N",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "N",
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          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "wine",
          "encryptedValue": "wine",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "wine",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "wine",
          "encryptedValue": "wine",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "CheckedWithMenu, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "CheckedWithMenu, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
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      "igtCache": {
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            "gloss": "wine"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ღვინო",
          "translation": "wine",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991741,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "eff8773970b2ebbf958af41789014953"
      "media": [
          "filename": "ktxoft_gaimeorets_samdZr.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": "A quick recording while we were hanging out at the reception desk"
          "filename": "ktxoft_gaimeorets_samdZr.jpg",
          "description": "An audio representation showing three repetitions"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "გთხოვთ გაიმეორეთ სამჯერ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "გთხოვთ გაიმეორეთ სამჯერ",
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          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ktχoftʰ gaimeorɛtʰ samdʒɹ",
          "encryptedValue": "ktχoftʰ gaimeorɛtʰ samdʒɹ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ktχoftʰ gaimeorɛtʰ samdʒɹ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "ktχoftʰ gaimeorɛtʰ samdʒɹ",
          "encryptedValue": "ktχoftʰ gaimeorɛtʰ samdʒɹ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ktχoftʰ gaimeorɛtʰ samdʒɹ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "please repeat 3.times",
          "encryptedValue": "please repeat 3.times",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "please repeat 3.times",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Please repeat 3 times?",
          "encryptedValue": "Please repeat 3 times?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Please repeat 3 times?",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeCheckedForNaturalness, CheckedWithGirl1",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeCheckedForNaturalness, CheckedWithGirl1",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "SampleData",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
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          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "გთხოვთ",
            "utterance": "ktχoftʰ",
            "morphemes": "ktχoftʰ",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "please"
            "orthography": "გაიმეორეთ",
            "utterance": "gaimeorɛtʰ",
            "morphemes": "gaimeorɛtʰ",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "repeat"
            "orthography": "სამჯერ",
            "utterance": "samdʒɹ",
            "morphemes": "samdʒɹ",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "3.times"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "გთხოვთ გაიმეორეთ სამჯერ",
          "translation": "Please repeat 3 times?",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991754,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "audio": "ktxoft_gaimeorɛts_samdʒɹ.mp3",
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "723a8b707e579087aa36c2e338eafe05"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "me mtsiva",
          "encryptedValue": "me mtsiva",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "me mtsiva",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I'm cold.",
          "encryptedValue": "I'm cold.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I'm cold.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "(asking someone to turn on the heat)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "(asking someone to turn on the heat)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked, ElicitedWithGirl3",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked, ElicitedWithGirl3",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "me",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "mtsiva",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "",
          "translation": "I'm cold.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991772,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "audio": "gatpoba_mtsive_to_be_elicited.mp3",
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "3328d6a49281e117e859adddcd009369"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "მინერალური წყალი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "მინერალური წყალი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "mineraluri tsq'ali",
          "encryptedValue": "mineraluri tsq'ali",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "mineraluri tsq'ali",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "mineraluri tsq'ali",
          "encryptedValue": "mineraluri tsq'ali",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "mineraluri tsq'ali",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "?? water",
          "encryptedValue": "?? water",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "?? water",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "mineral water",
          "encryptedValue": "mineral water",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "mineral water",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "(written in a menu to mean carbonated sodas, ironically)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "(written in a menu to mean carbonated sodas, ironically)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "მინერალური",
            "utterance": "mineraluri",
            "morphemes": "mineraluri",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "??"
            "orthography": "წყალი",
            "utterance": "tsq'ali",
            "morphemes": "tsq'ali",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "water"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "მინერალური წყალი",
          "translation": "mineral water",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991787,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "eff8773970b2ebbf958af4178901a406"
      "media": [
          "filename": "modi_madonna_modi.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
          "filename": "modi_modi.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
          "filename": "modi_modi.png",
          "description": "Screenshot from movie where character is welcomes her father home from Moscow"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "მოდი, მოდი!",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "მოდი, მოდი!",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "Modi modi!",
          "encryptedValue": "Modi modi!",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Modi modi!",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "Modi modi",
          "encryptedValue": "Modi modi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Modi modi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "come come",
          "encryptedValue": "come come",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "come come",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Come in, come in!",
          "encryptedValue": "Come in, come in!",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Come in, come in!",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "general purpose",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "general purpose",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "SampleData",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "SampleData",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "მოდი,",
            "utterance": "Modi",
            "morphemes": "Modi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "come"
            "orthography": "მოდი!",
            "utterance": "modi!",
            "morphemes": "modi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "come"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "მოდი, მოდი!",
          "translation": "Come in, come in!",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991804,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6402141c0"
      "media": [
          "filename": "moglet_gelodebit_sul_quelas.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 8 syllables and auto detected utterances for moglet_gelodebit_sul_quelas The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "8",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "2.35",
          "speakingRate": "3.41",
          "articulationRate": "3.41"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "მოგლეთ გელოდებით სულ ყველას",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "მოგლეთ გელოდებით სულ ყველას",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "moglet gelodebit sul quelas",
          "encryptedValue": "moglet gelodebit sul quelas",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "moglet gelodebit sul quelas",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "moglet gelodebit sul quelas",
          "encryptedValue": "moglet gelodebit sul quelas",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "moglet gelodebit sul quelas",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "well wait ? all",
          "encryptedValue": "well wait ? all",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "well wait ? all",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Well, they're waiting for us (?)",
          "encryptedValue": "Well, they're waiting for us (?)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Well, they're waiting for us (?)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "მოგლეთ",
            "utterance": "moglet",
            "morphemes": "moglet",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "well"
            "orthography": "გელოდებით",
            "utterance": "gelodebit",
            "morphemes": "gelodebit",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "wait"
            "orthography": "სულ",
            "utterance": "sul",
            "morphemes": "sul",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "?"
            "orthography": "ყველას",
            "utterance": "quelas",
            "morphemes": "quelas",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "all"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "მოგლეთ გელოდებით სულ ყველას",
          "translation": "Well, they're waiting for us (?)",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991822,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a64021b9cf"
      "media": [
          "filename": "moitsa_ra.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "მოიცა რა",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "მოიცა რა",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "moitsa ra",
          "encryptedValue": "moitsa ra",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "moitsa ra",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "moits-a ra",
          "encryptedValue": "moits-a ra",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "moits-a ra",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "wait ra",
          "encryptedValue": "wait ra",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "wait ra",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Wait...",
          "encryptedValue": "Wait...",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Wait...",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "wait up, hang on",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "wait up, hang on",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "მოიცა",
            "utterance": "moitsa",
            "morphemes": "moits-a",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "wait"
            "orthography": "რა",
            "utterance": "ra",
            "morphemes": "ra",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "ra"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "მოიცა რა",
          "translation": "Wait...",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991837,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a640208df5"
      "media": [
          "filename": "ra_mes_visam.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "რა მეს ვისამ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "რა მეს ვისამ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ra mes visam",
          "encryptedValue": "ra mes visam",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ra mes visam",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "ra mes visam",
          "encryptedValue": "ra mes visam",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ra mes visam",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "what ? ?",
          "encryptedValue": "what ? ?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "what ? ?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I can do anything (I want).",
          "encryptedValue": "I can do anything (I want).",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I can do anything (I want).",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "რა",
            "utterance": "ra",
            "morphemes": "ra",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "what"
            "orthography": "მეს",
            "utterance": "mes",
            "morphemes": "mes",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "?"
            "orthography": "ვისამ",
            "utterance": "visam",
            "morphemes": "visam",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "?"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "რა მეს ვისამ",
          "translation": "I can do anything (I want).",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991854,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401c6125"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ჩაი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ჩაი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "tʃai",
          "encryptedValue": "tʃai",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "tʃai",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "tʃai",
          "encryptedValue": "tʃai",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "tʃai",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "N",
          "encryptedValue": "N",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "N",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "tea",
          "encryptedValue": "tea",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "tea",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "tea",
          "encryptedValue": "tea",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "tea",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "CheckedWithMenu, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "CheckedWithMenu, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ჩაი",
            "utterance": "tʃai",
            "morphemes": "tʃai",
            "syntacticCategory": "N",
            "gloss": "tea"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ჩაი",
          "translation": "tea",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991869,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "eff8773970b2ebbf958af4178901877a"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ჩამოსასხმელი ლუდი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ჩამოსასხმელი ლუდი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "tʃʰamosasχmeli ludi",
          "encryptedValue": "tʃʰamosasχmeli ludi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "tʃʰamosasχmeli ludi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "tʃʰamosasχmeli ludi",
          "encryptedValue": "tʃʰamosasχmeli ludi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "tʃʰamosasχmeli ludi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "draft beer",
          "encryptedValue": "draft beer",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "draft beer",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "draft beer",
          "encryptedValue": "draft beer",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "draft beer",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "(written on a menu)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "(written on a menu)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "CheckedWithMenu, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "CheckedWithMenu, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ჩამოსასხმელი",
            "utterance": "tʃʰamosasχmeli",
            "morphemes": "tʃʰamosasχmeli",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "draft"
            "orthography": "ლუდი",
            "utterance": "ludi",
            "morphemes": "ludi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "beer"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ჩამოსასხმელი ლუდი",
          "translation": "draft beer",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991887,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "eff8773970b2ebbf958af41789013154"
      "media": [
          "filename": "gaumardjos.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "utterance",
          "encryptedValue": "utterance",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "utterance",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
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          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "utterance",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991902,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a64020298c"
      "media": [
          "filename": "xo_deda.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ხო დედა",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ხო დედა",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "xo deda",
          "encryptedValue": "xo deda",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "xo deda",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "xo deda",
          "encryptedValue": "xo deda",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "xo deda",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "yeah mom",
          "encryptedValue": "yeah mom",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "yeah mom",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Yes mom.",
          "encryptedValue": "Yes mom.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Yes mom.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "general purpose",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "general purpose",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ხო",
            "utterance": "xo",
            "morphemes": "xo",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "yeah"
            "orthography": "დედა",
            "utterance": "deda",
            "morphemes": "deda",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "mom"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ხო დედა",
          "translation": "Yes mom.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991919,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401f1bc6"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I don't want any, thanks.",
          "encryptedValue": "I don't want any, thanks.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I don't want any, thanks.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "(efficiently refusing a beach vendor)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "(efficiently refusing a beach vendor)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeElicited",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeElicited",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "",
          "translation": "I don't want any, thanks.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991934,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "3328d6a49281e117e859adddcd006168"
      "media": [
          "filename": "ar_makfs_cleaned.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": "Unfortunatly a rather unnatural recording with Girl2 at the reception desk with an Android 4.3 phone with no visual context... amplified, trimmed, noise cleaned and compressed using Audacity."
          "filename": "ar_makfs.jpg",
          "description": "Nino and her sister are a few of the refugee children from Azerbaijan who live in Batumi and can often been seen begging or playing in the port or on the bike path."
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "არ მაქვს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "არ მაქვს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ar makʰfs",
          "encryptedValue": "ar makʰfs",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ar makʰfs",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "ar markʰfs",
          "encryptedValue": "ar markʰfs",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ar markʰfs",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "? ?",
          "encryptedValue": "? ?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "? ?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I don't have any.",
          "encryptedValue": "I don't have any.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I don't have any.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "to begging children",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "to begging children",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "CheckedWithGirl2, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "CheckedWithGirl2, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "SampleData",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "SampleData",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "არ",
            "utterance": "ar",
            "morphemes": "ar",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "?"
            "orthography": "მაქვს",
            "utterance": "makʰfs",
            "morphemes": "markʰfs",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "?"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "არ მაქვს",
          "translation": "I don't have any.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991952,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "723a8b707e579087aa36c2e338ecdb4c"
      "media": [
          "filename": "bitSo.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ბიჭო,",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ბიჭო,",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "bitʃo,",
          "encryptedValue": "bitʃo,",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "bitʃo,",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "bitSo",
          "encryptedValue": "bitSo",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "bitSo",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "boy",
          "encryptedValue": "boy",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "boy",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Listen,",
          "encryptedValue": "Listen,",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Listen,",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "used before most sentences when informally addressing a male",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "used before most sentences when informally addressing a male",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ბიჭო,",
            "utterance": "bitʃo,",
            "morphemes": "bitSo",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "boy"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ბიჭო,",
          "translation": "Listen,",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991966,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401d9c81"
      "media": [
          "filename": "gai_dediko.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 3 syllables and auto detected utterances for gai_dediko The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "3",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "0.99",
          "speakingRate": "3.03",
          "articulationRate": "3.03"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "გაი დედიკო",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "გაი დედიკო",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "gai dediko",
          "encryptedValue": "gai dediko",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gai dediko",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "gai dedi-ko",
          "encryptedValue": "gai dedi-ko",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gai dedi-ko",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "sure daughter-?",
          "encryptedValue": "sure daughter-?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "sure daughter-?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Sure",
          "encryptedValue": "Sure",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Sure",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "გაი",
            "utterance": "gai",
            "morphemes": "gai",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "sure"
            "orthography": "დედიკო",
            "utterance": "dediko",
            "morphemes": "dedi-ko",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "daughter-?"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "გაი დედიკო",
          "translation": "Sure",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991984,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401c3516"
      "media": [
          "filename": "gaitsanit.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "გაიცანით",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "გაიცანით",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "gaitsanit",
          "encryptedValue": "gaitsanit",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gaitsanit",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "gaitsanit",
          "encryptedValue": "gaitsanit",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gaitsanit",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "meet",
          "encryptedValue": "meet",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "meet",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Meet each other.",
          "encryptedValue": "Meet each other.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Meet each other.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "introductions",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "introductions",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "გაიცანით",
            "utterance": "gaitsanit",
            "morphemes": "gaitsanit",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "meet"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "გაიცანით",
          "translation": "Meet each other.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544991999,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401f356f"
      "media": [
          "filename": "gamardjoba.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 10 syllables and auto detected utterances for gamardjoba The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "10",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "2.11",
          "speakingRate": "4.73",
          "articulationRate": "4.73"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "გამაჯობა",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "გამაჯობა",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "gamardʒoba",
          "encryptedValue": "gamardʒoba",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gamardʒoba",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "gamardʒoba",
          "encryptedValue": "gamardʒoba",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gamardʒoba",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "hello",
          "encryptedValue": "hello",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "hello",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Hello",
          "encryptedValue": "Hello",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Hello",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "გამაჯობა",
            "utterance": "gamardʒoba",
            "morphemes": "gamardʒoba",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "hello"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "გამაჯობა",
          "translation": "Hello",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992015,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401f4f5f"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ღორის",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ღორის",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ɣoris",
          "encryptedValue": "ɣoris",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ɣoris",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "ɣoris",
          "encryptedValue": "ɣoris",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ɣoris",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "N",
          "encryptedValue": "N",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "N",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "pork",
          "encryptedValue": "pork",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "pork",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "pork",
          "encryptedValue": "pork",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "pork",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeCheckedForNaturalness, CheckedWithMenu, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeCheckedForNaturalness, CheckedWithMenu, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ღორის",
            "utterance": "ɣoris",
            "morphemes": "ɣoris",
            "syntacticCategory": "N",
            "gloss": "pork"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ღორის",
          "translation": "pork",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [
          "fieldDBtype": "Comment",
          "username": "gina",
          "text": "I'm starting to doubt the menu I'm looking at at the piazza in batumi. It has \"chicken\" transliterated in both russian and georgian, not the actual word... i started to wonder when i saw \"fresh salad\" as ფრეშ სალადი...",
          "timestamp": 1395862587997,
          "dateCreated": 1395862587997,
          "version": "v5.26.21"
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992033,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "eff8773970b2ebbf958af41789021a92"
      "media": [
          "filename": "itsi_tSveni_k_ato_tXovdeba_ui.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 9 syllables and auto detected utterances for itsi_tSveni_k_ato_tXovdeba_ui The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "9",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "2.09",
          "speakingRate": "4.31",
          "articulationRate": "4.31"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "itsi tSveni k ato tXovdeba ui",
          "encryptedValue": "itsi tSveni k ato tXovdeba ui",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "itsi tSveni k ato tXovdeba ui",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
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          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
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            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
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            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "tSveni",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "k",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "ato",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "tXovdeba",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "ui",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992049,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a64020c668"
      "media": [
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          "type": "audio"
          "filename": "ki_magram.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
          "filename": "ki_magram_ramden_xalxs_patiJeb.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
          "filename": "ki_magram.png",
          "description": "Screenshot from movie where character is asking friends why..."
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "კი მაგრამ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "კი მაგრამ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ki magram",
          "encryptedValue": "ki magram",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ki magram",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "ki magram",
          "encryptedValue": "ki magram",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ki magram",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Yeah but,",
          "encryptedValue": "Yeah but,",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Yeah but,",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "general purpose",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "general purpose",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "SampleData",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "SampleData",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
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      "igtCache": {
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            "orthography": "კი",
            "utterance": "ki",
            "morphemes": "ki",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "მაგრამ",
            "utterance": "magram",
            "morphemes": "magram",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "კი მაგრამ",
          "translation": "Yeah but,",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992065,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401eac2a"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "მადლობა",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "მადლობა",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "madloba",
          "encryptedValue": "madloba",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "madloba",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "madloba",
          "encryptedValue": "madloba",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "madloba",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Thanks (most common form)",
          "encryptedValue": "Thanks (most common form)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Thanks (most common form)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "CheckedWithGirl1",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "CheckedWithGirl1",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "მადლობა",
            "utterance": "madloba",
            "morphemes": "madloba",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "მადლობა",
          "translation": "Thanks (most common form)",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992080,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "723a8b707e579087aa36c2e338eb33b4"
      "media": [
          "filename": "mama.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "მამა?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "მამა?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "mama?",
          "encryptedValue": "mama?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "mama?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "mama",
          "encryptedValue": "mama",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "mama",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "dad",
          "encryptedValue": "dad",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "dad",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Dad?",
          "encryptedValue": "Dad?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Dad?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "used for dad/father/papa etc",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "used for dad/father/papa etc",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "მამა?",
            "utterance": "mama?",
            "morphemes": "mama",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "dad"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "მამა?",
          "translation": "Dad?",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992098,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401de1c6"
      "media": [
          "filename": "moglet.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "მოგლეთ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "მოგლეთ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "moglet",
          "encryptedValue": "moglet",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "moglet",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "moglet",
          "encryptedValue": "moglet",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "moglet",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Well,",
          "encryptedValue": "Well,",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Well,",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "general purpose",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "general purpose",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "მოგლეთ",
            "utterance": "moglet",
            "morphemes": "moglet",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "მოგლეთ",
          "translation": "Well,",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992114,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401ec61f"
      "media": [
          "filename": "moglet_rogorts_ikna.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 6 syllables and auto detected utterances for moglet_rogorts_ikna The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "6",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "1.38",
          "speakingRate": "4.34",
          "articulationRate": "4.34"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "moglet rogorts ikna",
          "encryptedValue": "moglet rogorts ikna",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "moglet rogorts ikna",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
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            "utterance": "moglet",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "rogorts",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "ikna",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992129,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a640215f71"
      "media": [
          "filename": "moval.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "მოვალ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "მოვალ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "moval",
          "encryptedValue": "moval",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "moval",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "moval",
          "encryptedValue": "moval",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "moval",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "i.come",
          "encryptedValue": "i.come",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "i.come",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I'm coming.",
          "encryptedValue": "I'm coming.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I'm coming.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "I'm on my way or I'll be there",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "I'm on my way or I'll be there",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
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            "orthography": "მოვალ",
            "utterance": "moval",
            "morphemes": "moval",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "i.come"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "მოვალ",
          "translation": "I'm coming.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992147,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401c4291"
      "media": [
          "filename": "rad_ginda_imxela_nabidJebs_dgam_ro.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "რად გინდა იმხელა ნაბიჯებს დგამ რო?!",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "რად გინდა იმხელა ნაბიჯებს დგამ რო?!",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "rad ginda imxela nabidʒebs dgam ro?!",
          "encryptedValue": "rad ginda imxela nabidʒebs dgam ro?!",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "rad ginda imxela nabidʒebs dgam ro?!",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "rad ginda imxela nabidʒebs dgam ro",
          "encryptedValue": "rad ginda imxela nabidʒebs dgam ro",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "rad ginda imxela nabidʒebs dgam ro",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "what want such steps take ?",
          "encryptedValue": "what want such steps take ?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "what want such steps take ?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Why do you take such long steps?!",
          "encryptedValue": "Why do you take such long steps?!",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Why do you take such long steps?!",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "\\item[\\sc{Left}] \\Tree  [  [  [  [  [ rad ginda ]  imxela ]  nabidʒebs ]  dgam ]  ro ]  \\\\ \n \\item[\\sc{Right}] \\Tree  [ rad  [ ginda  [ imxela  [ nabidʒebs  [ dgam ro ]  ]  ]  ]  ]",
          "encryptedValue": "\\item[\\sc{Left}] \\Tree  [  [  [  [  [ rad ginda ]  imxela ]  nabidʒebs ]  dgam ]  ro ]  \\\\ \n \\item[\\sc{Right}] \\Tree  [ rad  [ ginda  [ imxela  [ nabidʒebs  [ dgam ro ]  ]  ]  ]  ]",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "\\item[\\sc{Left}] \\Tree  [  [  [  [  [ rad ginda ]  imxela ]  nabidʒebs ]  dgam ]  ro ]  \\\\ \n \\item[\\sc{Right}] \\Tree  [ rad  [ ginda  [ imxela  [ nabidʒebs  [ dgam ro ]  ]  ]  ]  ]",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "რად",
            "utterance": "rad",
            "morphemes": "rad",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "what"
            "orthography": "გინდა",
            "utterance": "ginda",
            "morphemes": "ginda",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "want"
            "orthography": "იმხელა",
            "utterance": "imxela",
            "morphemes": "imxela",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "such"
            "orthography": "ნაბიჯებს",
            "utterance": "nabidʒebs",
            "morphemes": "nabidʒebs",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "steps"
            "orthography": "დგამ",
            "utterance": "dgam",
            "morphemes": "dgam",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "take"
            "orthography": "რო?!",
            "utterance": "ro?!",
            "morphemes": "ro",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "?"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "რად გინდა იმხელა ნაბიჯებს დგამ რო?!",
          "translation": "Why do you take such long steps?!",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992162,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401f8ac0"
      "media": [
          "filename": "kargi.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "utterance",
          "encryptedValue": "utterance",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "utterance",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
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            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "utterance",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992177,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a64020fec5"
      "media": [
          "filename": "vitsi.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 1 syllables and auto detected utterances for vitsi The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "1",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "0.70",
          "speakingRate": "1.42",
          "articulationRate": "1.42"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ვიცი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ვიცი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "vitsi",
          "encryptedValue": "vitsi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "vitsi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "vitsi",
          "encryptedValue": "vitsi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "vitsi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "i.know",
          "encryptedValue": "i.know",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "i.know",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I know",
          "encryptedValue": "I know",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I know",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "знаю",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "знаю",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "general purpose",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "general purpose",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "Combined",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Combined",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ვიცი",
            "utterance": "vitsi",
            "morphemes": "vitsi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "i.know"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ვიცი",
          "translation": "I know",
          "russian": "знаю"
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992193,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401efdfa"
      "media": [
          "filename": "vitsi_da_damalaparake_erti.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 8 syllables and auto detected utterances for vitsi_da_damalaparake_erti The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "8",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "2.11",
          "speakingRate": "3.78",
          "articulationRate": "3.78"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ვიცი და დამალაპარაკე ერთი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ვიცი და დამალაპარაკე ერთი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "encryptedValue": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "encryptedValue": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "i.know and one",
          "encryptedValue": "i.know and one",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "i.know and one",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I know, can I speak to him/her?",
          "encryptedValue": "I know, can I speak to him/her?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I know, can I speak to him/her?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "on the phone",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "on the phone",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "Combined",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Combined",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ვიცი",
            "utterance": "vitsi",
            "morphemes": "vitsi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "i.know"
            "orthography": "და",
            "utterance": "da",
            "morphemes": "da",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "and"
            "orthography": "დამალაპარაკე",
            "utterance": "damalaparake",
            "morphemes": "damalaparake",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "ერთი",
            "utterance": "erti",
            "morphemes": "erti",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "one"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ვიცი და დამალაპარაკე ერთი",
          "translation": "I know, can I speak to him/her?",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992211,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401fab52"
      "media": [
          "filename": "ar_vitsi.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
          "filename": "uqastravat_me_ar_vitsi.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
          "filename": "vitsi.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 1 syllables and auto detected utterances for vitsi The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "1",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "0.70",
          "speakingRate": "1.42",
          "articulationRate": "1.42"
          "filename": "vitsi_da_damalaparake_erti.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 8 syllables and auto detected utterances for vitsi_da_damalaparake_erti The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "8",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "2.11",
          "speakingRate": "3.78",
          "articulationRate": "3.78"
          "filename": "ar_vitsi.png",
          "description": "Screenshot from movie where main character is talking with friends"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "არ ვიცი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "არ ვიცი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ar vitsi",
          "encryptedValue": "ar vitsi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ar vitsi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "ar vitsi",
          "encryptedValue": "ar vitsi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ar vitsi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "not I.know",
          "encryptedValue": "not I.know",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "not I.know",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I dunno.",
          "encryptedValue": "I dunno.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I dunno.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "SampleData",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "SampleData",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "არ",
            "utterance": "ar",
            "morphemes": "ar",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "not"
            "orthography": "ვიცი",
            "utterance": "vitsi",
            "morphemes": "vitsi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "I.know"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "არ ვიცი",
          "translation": "I dunno.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992224,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401c0d6e"
      "media": [
          "filename": "ara.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "არა",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "არა",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ara",
          "encryptedValue": "ara",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ara",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "ar-a",
          "encryptedValue": "ar-a",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ar-a",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "not-is",
          "encryptedValue": "not-is",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "not-is",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "No.",
          "encryptedValue": "No.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "No.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
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          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "general purpose",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
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          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
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          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "არა",
            "utterance": "ara",
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            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "not-is"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "არა",
          "translation": "No.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992239,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401e8046"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ძეხვი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ძეხვი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "dzeχvi",
          "encryptedValue": "dzeχvi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
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          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "dzeχvi",
          "encryptedValue": "dzeχvi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "dzeχvi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "sausage",
          "encryptedValue": "sausage",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "sausage",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "sausage",
          "encryptedValue": "sausage",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "sausage",
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          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeCheckedForNaturalness, CheckedWithMenu, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeCheckedForNaturalness, CheckedWithMenu, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
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          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
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      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
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            "gloss": "sausage"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ძეხვი",
          "translation": "sausage",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992242,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "eff8773970b2ebbf958af4178901df96"
      "media": [
          "filename": "gamardjobad_megobrebo.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "gamardʒobad megobrebo",
          "encryptedValue": "gamardʒobad megobrebo",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gamardʒobad megobrebo",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "gamardʒobad me-gobrebo",
          "encryptedValue": "gamardʒobad me-gobrebo",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gamardʒobad me-gobrebo",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "? i-?",
          "encryptedValue": "? i-?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "? i-?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Deleted, Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Deleted, Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "Combined",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Combined",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "gamardʒobad",
            "morphemes": "gamardʒobad",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "?"
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "megobrebo",
            "morphemes": "me-gobrebo",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "i-?"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992554,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401fbddb"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "gatpoba?",
          "encryptedValue": "gatpoba?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gatpoba?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Is there heat?",
          "encryptedValue": "Is there heat?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Is there heat?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "(looking for rooms or appartments to rent, making sure there is heat since it is very common in Georgia to not heat in the winter, or to heat only one room)",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "(looking for rooms or appartments to rent, making sure there is heat since it is very common in Georgia to not heat in the winter, or to heat only one room)",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked, ElicitedWithGirl3",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked, ElicitedWithGirl3",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "user": "gina",
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "gatpoba?",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "",
          "translation": "Is there heat?",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "dateSEntered": "2014-03-15T04:49:26.624Z",
      "goal": "Sample data for the Learn X screenshots",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "Unknown",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Unknown",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "Geogian",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Geogian",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "Mar 7, 2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992558,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "audio": "gatpoba_mtsive_to_be_elicited.mp3",
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "consultants": "girl2",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "3328d6a49281e117e859adddcd006ddf"
      "media": [
          "filename": "gaviketsi.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 3 syllables and auto detected utterances for gaviketsi The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "3",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "0.60",
          "speakingRate": "5.01",
          "articulationRate": "5.01"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "გავიკეცი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "გავიკეცი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "gaviketsi",
          "encryptedValue": "gaviketsi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gaviketsi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "gaviketsi",
          "encryptedValue": "gaviketsi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gaviketsi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I gotta go.",
          "encryptedValue": "I gotta go.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I gotta go.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "გავიკეცი",
            "utterance": "gaviketsi",
            "morphemes": "gaviketsi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "გავიკეცი",
          "translation": "I gotta go.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992561,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401d0346"
      "media": [
          "filename": "gesmis_irakli.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "გესმის",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "გესმის",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "gesmis",
          "encryptedValue": "gesmis",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gesmis",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "gesmis",
          "encryptedValue": "gesmis",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "gesmis",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "you.listen",
          "encryptedValue": "you.listen",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "you.listen",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Are you listening?",
          "encryptedValue": "Are you listening?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Are you listening?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "on the phone and the other person doesn't seem to be paying attention",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "on the phone and the other person doesn't seem to be paying attention",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "გესმის",
            "utterance": "gesmis",
            "morphemes": "gesmis",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "you.listen"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "გესმის",
          "translation": "Are you listening?",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992564,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401c8406"
      "media": [
          "filename": "itsi_nanadeda_tSamovida.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 6 syllables and auto detected utterances for itsi_nanadeda_tSamovida The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "6",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "1.54",
          "speakingRate": "3.90",
          "articulationRate": "3.90"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ვიცი ნანადედა ჩამოვიდა",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ვიცი ნანადედა ჩამოვიდა",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "itsi nanadeda tʃamovida",
          "encryptedValue": "itsi nanadeda tʃamovida",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "itsi nanadeda tʃamovida",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "itsi nana-deda tʃamovida",
          "encryptedValue": "itsi nana-deda tʃamovida",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "itsi nana-deda tʃamovida",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "you.know grand-mother? ?",
          "encryptedValue": "you.know grand-mother? ?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "you.know grand-mother? ?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ვიცი",
            "utterance": "itsi",
            "morphemes": "itsi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "you.know"
            "orthography": "ნანადედა",
            "utterance": "nanadeda",
            "morphemes": "nana-deda",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "grand-mother?"
            "orthography": "ჩამოვიდა",
            "utterance": "tʃamovida",
            "morphemes": "tʃamovida",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "?"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ვიცი ნანადედა ჩამოვიდა",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992567,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a640204a76"
      "media": [
          "filename": "me_mains.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 1 syllables and auto detected utterances for me_mains The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "1",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "0.65",
          "speakingRate": "1.54",
          "articulationRate": "1.54"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "me mains",
          "encryptedValue": "me mains",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "me mains",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "me mains",
          "encryptedValue": "me mains",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "me mains",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "me",
            "morphemes": "me",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "",
            "utterance": "mains",
            "morphemes": "mains",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992570,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401d2624"
      "media": [
          "filename": "mets_vexumrebodi.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "მეწ ვეხუმრებოდი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "მეწ ვეხუმრებოდი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "mets vexumrebodi",
          "encryptedValue": "mets vexumrebodi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "mets vexumrebodi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "mets vexumrebodi",
          "encryptedValue": "mets vexumrebodi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "mets vexumrebodi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "also I.joked",
          "encryptedValue": "also I.joked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "also I.joked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I also joked",
          "encryptedValue": "I also joked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I also joked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "reported speech, telling that you were also joking",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "reported speech, telling that you were also joking",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "მეწ",
            "utterance": "mets",
            "morphemes": "mets",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "also"
            "orthography": "ვეხუმრებოდი",
            "utterance": "vexumrebodi",
            "morphemes": "vexumrebodi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "I.joked"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "მეწ ვეხუმრებოდი",
          "translation": "I also joked",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992573,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401df722"
      "media": [
          "filename": "orive_giɣdeba.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ორივე გიღდება",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ორივე გიღდება",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "orive giɣdeba",
          "encryptedValue": "orive giɣdeba",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "orive giɣdeba",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "orive giɣdeba",
          "encryptedValue": "orive giɣdeba",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "orive giɣdeba",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "both",
          "encryptedValue": "both",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "both",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Both look nice.",
          "encryptedValue": "Both look nice.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Both look nice.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "choosing clothes",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "choosing clothes",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ორივე",
            "utterance": "orive",
            "morphemes": "orive",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "both"
            "orthography": "გიღდება",
            "utterance": "giɣdeba",
            "morphemes": "giɣdeba",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ორივე გიღდება",
          "translation": "Both look nice.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992576,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401cd365"
      "media": [
          "filename": "qotSar.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ყოჩაღ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ყოჩაღ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "qotʃaɣ",
          "encryptedValue": "qotʃaɣ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "qotʃaɣ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "qotʃaɣ",
          "encryptedValue": "qotʃaɣ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "qotʃaɣ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "well.done",
          "encryptedValue": "well.done",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "well.done",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Well done!",
          "encryptedValue": "Well done!",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Well done!",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "positive reinforcement for students, good work! well done! way to go!",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "positive reinforcement for students, good work! well done! way to go!",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ყოჩაღ",
            "utterance": "qotʃaɣ",
            "morphemes": "qotʃaɣ",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "well.done"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ყოჩაღ",
          "translation": "Well done!",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992579,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a640207ad9"
      "media": [
          "filename": "ras_aketeb.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "რას აკეთებ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "რას აკეთებ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ras aketeb",
          "encryptedValue": "ras aketeb",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ras aketeb",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "ras aketeb",
          "encryptedValue": "ras aketeb",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ras aketeb",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "what",
          "encryptedValue": "what",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "what",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "What are you doing?!",
          "encryptedValue": "What are you doing?!",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "What are you doing?!",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "general purpose",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "general purpose",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "რას",
            "utterance": "ras",
            "morphemes": "ras",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "what"
            "orthography": "აკეთებ",
            "utterance": "aketeb",
            "morphemes": "aketeb",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "რას აკეთებ",
          "translation": "What are you doing?!",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992581,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a640201487"
      "media": [
          "filename": "sad_2.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "სად?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "სად?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "sad",
          "encryptedValue": "sad",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "sad",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "where",
          "encryptedValue": "where",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "where",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "Where?",
          "encryptedValue": "Where?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "Where?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "general purpose",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "general purpose",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "სად?",
            "utterance": "sad",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "where"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "სად?",
          "translation": "Where?",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992584,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a640209c69"
      "media": [
          "filename": "kargi.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "utterance",
          "encryptedValue": "utterance",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "utterance",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
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            "utterance": "utterance",
            "morphemes": "",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 1,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1713544992588,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a64021211e"
  "description": "Showing 50 of 72 results, you can click on any of the items to see more details to further refine your search."