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This is the community corpus where Georgian Together can share their examples (if they choose). It is curated by Esmita, Gina and Tamiik. If you want to join us in the curation, send us an email at

Georgian Together

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records indexed

Search Results: orthography:ვიცი

Showing 4 of 4 results, you can click on any of the items to see more details to further refine your search.



I know

არ ვიცი


არ ვიცი
I dunno.

ვიცი და დამალაპარაკე ერთი


ვიცი და დამალაპარაკე ერთი
I know, can I speak to him/her?

ვიცი ნანადედა ჩამოვიდა


ვიცი ნანადედა ჩამოვიდა

  "docIds": [
  "pouchname": "community-georgian",
  "dbname": "community-georgian",
  "datumIds": [
  "fieldDBtype": "DataList",
  "version": "v5.26.21",
  "title": "Search Results: orthography:ვიცი",
  "id": "orthography_____",
  "docs": [
      "media": [
          "filename": "vitsi.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 1 syllables and auto detected utterances for vitsi The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "1",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "0.70",
          "speakingRate": "1.42",
          "articulationRate": "1.42"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ვიცი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ვიცი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "vitsi",
          "encryptedValue": "vitsi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "vitsi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "vitsi",
          "encryptedValue": "vitsi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "vitsi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "i.know",
          "encryptedValue": "i.know",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "i.know",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I know",
          "encryptedValue": "I know",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I know",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "знаю",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "знаю",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
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          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "general purpose",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "general purpose",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
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          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
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          "mask": "Combined",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Combined",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.6.02",
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      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ვიცი",
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            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "i.know"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ვიცი",
          "translation": "I know",
          "russian": "знаю"
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      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
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            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
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        "version": "v5.26.21",
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      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401efdfa"
      "media": [
          "filename": "ar_vitsi.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
          "filename": "uqastravat_me_ar_vitsi.mp3",
          "type": "audio"
          "filename": "vitsi.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 1 syllables and auto detected utterances for vitsi The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "1",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "0.70",
          "speakingRate": "1.42",
          "articulationRate": "1.42"
          "filename": "vitsi_da_damalaparake_erti.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 8 syllables and auto detected utterances for vitsi_da_damalaparake_erti The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "8",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "2.11",
          "speakingRate": "3.78",
          "articulationRate": "3.78"
          "filename": "ar_vitsi.png",
          "description": "Screenshot from movie where main character is talking with friends"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "არ ვიცი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "არ ვიცი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "არ <em>ვიცი</em>"
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "ar vitsi",
          "encryptedValue": "ar vitsi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ar vitsi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "ar vitsi",
          "encryptedValue": "ar vitsi",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "ar vitsi",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "not I.know",
          "encryptedValue": "not I.know",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "not I.know",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I dunno.",
          "encryptedValue": "I dunno.",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I dunno.",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "Checked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Checked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "SampleData",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "SampleData",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "არ",
            "utterance": "ar",
            "morphemes": "ar",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "not"
            "orthography": "ვიცი",
            "utterance": "vitsi",
            "morphemes": "vitsi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "I.know"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "არ ვიცი",
          "translation": "I dunno.",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 21.850724,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1714101166711,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401c0d6e"
      "media": [
          "filename": "vitsi_da_damalaparake_erti.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 8 syllables and auto detected utterances for vitsi_da_damalaparake_erti The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "8",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "2.11",
          "speakingRate": "3.78",
          "articulationRate": "3.78"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ვიცი და დამალაპარაკე ერთი",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ვიცი და დამალაპარაკე ერთი",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "<em>ვიცი</em> და დამალაპარაკე ერთი"
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "encryptedValue": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "encryptedValue": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "vitsi da damalaparake erti",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "i.know and one",
          "encryptedValue": "i.know and one",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "i.know and one",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "I know, can I speak to him/her?",
          "encryptedValue": "I know, can I speak to him/her?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "I know, can I speak to him/her?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "on the phone",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "on the phone",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "Combined",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "Combined",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ვიცი",
            "utterance": "vitsi",
            "morphemes": "vitsi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "i.know"
            "orthography": "და",
            "utterance": "da",
            "morphemes": "da",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "and"
            "orthography": "დამალაპარაკე",
            "utterance": "damalaparake",
            "morphemes": "damalaparake",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": ""
            "orthography": "ერთი",
            "utterance": "erti",
            "morphemes": "erti",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "one"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ვიცი და დამალაპარაკე ერთი",
          "translation": "I know, can I speak to him/her?",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 21.850724,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1714101166714,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a6401fab52"
      "media": [
          "filename": "itsi_nanadeda_tSamovida.mp3",
          "type": "audio",
          "description": " Downloaded Praat TextGrid which contained a count of roughly 6 syllables and auto detected utterances for itsi_nanadeda_tSamovida The utterances were not automatically transcribed for you, you can either save the textgrid and transcribe them using Praat, or continue to import them and transcribe them after.",
          "syllableCount": "6",
          "pauseCount": "0",
          "speakingTotalDuration": "1.54",
          "speakingRate": "3.90",
          "articulationRate": "3.90"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "This is a linguistics concept, for example you can put in sentences that are ungrammatical (no one would say, or is an impossible combination of words) and put a * in this field to indicate that its judgment is \"impossible to say\"",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Judgement",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "The written form in Georgian letters. Example: მეგობარი",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "mask": "ვიცი ნანადედა ჩამოვიდა",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ვიცი ნანადედა ჩამოვიდა",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "<em>ვიცი</em> ნანადედა ჩამოვიდა"
          "label": "orthography",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "This is an easy to read version of the example. It could be in a romanized (a-z) form, or real the written form or even in the phonetic alphabet (it depends on what your team wants to do).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Utterance",
          "mask": "itsi nanadeda tʃamovida",
          "encryptedValue": "itsi nanadeda tʃamovida",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "itsi nanadeda tʃamovida",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Morphemes are prefixes and suffixes in the language. You can use this line to indicate them like this sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "mask": "itsi nana-deda tʃamovida",
          "encryptedValue": "itsi nana-deda tʃamovida",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "itsi nana-deda tʃamovida",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "This is an optional field that is used by the system to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging conventions you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "A translation of each individual morpheme (above). This line is used by linguist and the system to help semi-automatically gloss your future examples. You don't have to provide it, it's optional. The linguists on the team can do it for you.  Sample entry: friend-FEM-PL",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "mask": "you.know grand-mother? ?",
          "encryptedValue": "you.know grand-mother? ?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "you.know grand-mother? ?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "This is a free translation into English. (See the Russsian field below for the Russian Translation) Sample entry: (female) friends",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation"
          "help": "Это бесплатная перевести на русский язык. This is a free translate into Russian (for the users who come from Russian speaking areas). Example: друзья",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Russian",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian"
          "help": "Additional details about the context where this example can be used. Example: (general purpose for female friends)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Any number of tags of data validity which can help remember where you got the data, and how confident you are about where the example would be used (written, spoken etc). For example: ToBeCheckedWithSeberina, CheckedWithRicardo, CheckedWithGoogleTranslate, PublishedInNewspaper, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "mask": "ToBeChecked",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "ToBeChecked",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing data into themes (Food, Transportation, Family) language learning lessons, or other info that you might want to use to categorize your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "This optional field is used by the system to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
          "help": "The user who originally entered the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "EnteredByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "An array of users who modified the datum. (You cant modify this field)",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "mask": "gina",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "gina",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "readonly",
          "version": "v3.6.02",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "ვიცი",
            "utterance": "itsi",
            "morphemes": "itsi",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "you.know"
            "orthography": "ნანადედა",
            "utterance": "nanadeda",
            "morphemes": "nana-deda",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "grand-mother?"
            "orthography": "ჩამოვიდა",
            "utterance": "tʃamovida",
            "morphemes": "tʃamovida",
            "syntacticCategory": "",
            "gloss": "?"
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "ვიცი ნანადედა ჩამოვიდა",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 21.850724,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "goal": "Frequent phrases uttered in natural contexts which learners can review by watching/listening to the movie ჩემი ცოლის დაქალის ქორწილი [HD].mp4",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [
            "help": "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Dialect",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dialect",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dialect"
            "help": "This is the langauge (or language family), if you would like to use it.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "Language",
            "mask": "",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "language",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "language"
            "help": "This is the date in which the session took place.",
            "labelFieldLinguists": "DateElicited",
            "mask": "2013",
            "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
            "value": "2013",
            "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
            "label": "dateElicited",
            "version": "v5.26.21",
            "defaultfield": true,
            "id": "dateElicited"
        "dateCreated": 1714101166717,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "d3bf748b16ac4054680f27a640204a76"
  "description": "Showing 4 of 4 results, you can click on any of the items to see more details to further refine your search."