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სამართლოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართდო სარკე

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Showing 29 of 29 results, you can click on any of the items to see more details to further refine your search.; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
კონსტიტუციის 42 მუხლის მე-5 ნაწილის მე 2 წინადადება. კანონს თუ ის არ ამსუბუქებს ან არ აუქმებს პასუხისმგებლობას
უკუძალა არ აქვს ბ) იმ შემთხვევაში, თუ სადავო ნორმების შემოწმებას საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის
კონსტიტუციის 42-ე მუხლის მე-5 ნაწილის მე-2 წინადადება: ,, კანონს თუ ის არ ამსუბუქებს ან არ აუქმებს
პასუხისმგებლობას უკუძალა არ აქვს\". 2) საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის მე-14 მუხლი: ,,ყველა ადამიანი დაბადებით



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო
სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად არმიღების საფუძვლები. შენიშვნა 4 მოცემულ შემთხვევაში არ არსებობს
საკონსტიტუციო სარჩელის განსახილველად არ მიღების „საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ“ საქ
მოთხოვნის თანახმად, ის მოქმედი მოსამართლეები, რომლებიც კანონმდებლობით დადგენილი წესითა და ვადაში არ




დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ
Approved by the Constitutional Court Plenum of 18 April 2011 N81 / 3 Resolution      Claim registration N _______ Date: __ / __ / __  Constitutional complaint  Chapter II of the Constitution recog; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
განკარგულება მიიღება ზეპირი მოსმენის გარეშე და არ საჩივრდება.” 3. საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის დებულება
განკარგულება მიიღება ზეპირი მოსმენის გარეშე და არ საჩივრდება.” საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის 42-ე მუხლის
დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში
. შესაბამისად, არ არსებობს აღნიშნული საკონსტიტუციო სარჩელის განსახილველად არ მიღების ,,საკონსტიტუციო



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად
არმიღების საფუძვლები. შენიშვნა 4 არ არსებობს საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ კანონის მე-18
მუხლით გათვალისწინებული სარჩელის არ მიღების საფუძვლები, კერძოდ: ა. ფორმით და შინაარსით შეესაბემება ამ
მიერ, ვინაიდან სადაო ნორმა არ ყოფილა გასაჩივრებული საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში. ე. მასში მითითებული



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად არმიღების
, რომ \"საქართველოს სახალხო დამცველს არ ევალება იმის მტკიცება, რომ კონკრეტულად რომელიმე პირის უფლებები
დაუსაბუთებელი გათავისუფლება გარანტირებულია საქართველოს კონსტიტუციით. შესაბამისად, არ არსებობს \"საკონსტიტუციო
შემთხვევა, როდესაც კონკრეტული სადავო აქტი არ ახდენს სასამართლოზე წვდომის უფლების პირდაპირ შეზღუდვას



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
შესახებ” კანონის მე-6 მუხლის მე-3 პუნქტის სიტყვები: ,,რომელშიც მოსარჩელე ერთმნიშვნელოვნად არ არის
-3 პუნქტის სიტყვები: ,,რომელშიც მოსარჩელე ერთმნიშვნელოვნად არ არის იდენტიფიცირებული”,,სიტყვისა და
” კანონის მე-6 მუხლის მე-3 პუნქტის სიტყვები: ,,რომელშიც მოსარჩელე ერთმნიშვნელოვნად არ არის
თავისუფლების შესახებ” კანონის მე-6 მუხლის მე-3 პუნქტის სიტყვები: ,,რომელშიც მოსარჩელე ერთმნიშვნელოვნად არ



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის
, მოსარჩელის აზრით, არ შეესაბამება ან არღვევს სადავო სამართლებრივი აქტი; ე) მტკიცებულებანი, რომლებიც
უფლებათა შეზღუდვა კანონით განსაზღვრულ შემთხვევებში და დადგენილი წესით, იმგვარად, რომ არ დაირღვეს
შესაბამის დებულებასთან დაკავშირებით ჩამოყალიბებული სასამართლო პრაქტიკა არ აქვს. სადავო ნორმათა



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
გადაწყვეტილება არ მიიღო ამ კანონის 22-ე მუხლის 4 1 პუნქტით დადგენილ ვადაში, სადავო აქტის ან მისი სათანადო
სასამართლომ საბოლოო გადაწყვეტილება არ მიიღო ამ კანონის 22-ე მუხლის 4 1 პუნქტით დადგენილ ვადაში
მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში
მიგვაჩნია , რომ არ არსებობს , „საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ“ საქართველოს კანონის მე-18 და მე



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
დასაქმებული ასრულებს სამუშაოს, არ უნდა აღემატებოდეს კვირაში 40 საათს, ხოლო სპეციფიკური სამუშაო რეჟიმის
არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი
დასაქმებული ასრულებს სამუშაოს, არ უნდა აღემატებოდეს კვირაში 40 საათს, ხოლო სპეციფიკური სამუშაო
საქართველოს მთავრობა. სამუშაო დროში არ ითვლება შესვენების დრო და დასვენების დრო\". აღნინშული ნორმა არის



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
, გვარი/სახელწოდება პირადი/საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი მისამართი არ აქვს             ალტერნატიული
.განმარტებები სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ
აქტების შესახებ\" საქართველოს კანონი არ ითვალისწინებს საკუთარი გვარის აღმავალი შტოს ნათესავის, კერძოდ
ბებიის გვართან გაერთიანებას. ამდენად, ვინაიდან კანონი არ ითვალისწინებს საკუთარი გვარის ბებიის



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
.განმარტებები სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ
სახალხო დამცველს არ ევალება იმის მტკიცება, რომ კონკრეტულად რომელიმე პირის უფლებები უკვე დაირღვა ან
საქართველოს კონსტიტუციით. შესაბამისად, არ არსებობს \"საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ
–ე მუხლთან მიმართებით, მაგრამ მიუხედავად ამისა, არ არის ამომწურავად განსაზღვრული მისი შინაარსი



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
თვითმმართველობის საჯარო მოსამსახურეთა საშტატო რაოდენობაა არანაკლებ 30 ერთეულისა. ის არ უნდა აღემატებოდეს საჯარო
დამატებით მიღებულ ჯამს. 2. მუნიციპალიტეტის შტატგარეშე მოსამსახურეთა რაოდენობა არ უნდა აღემატებოდეს
საკრებულოს აპარატის საჯარო მოსამსახურეთა შრომის ანაზღაურების ხარჯები არ უნდა აღემატებოდეს მუნიციპალიტეტის
, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად არმიღების



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
შეზღუდვა, თუ მათი გამოვლინება არ ლახავს სხვათა უფლებებს. მუხლი 20 1. ყოველი ადამიანის პირადი ცხოვრება
ადამიანის ჯანმრთელობასთან, მის ფინანსებთან ან სხვა კერძო საკითხებთან, არავისთვის არ უნდა იყოს
ამ მუხლში ჩამოთვლილ თავისუფლებათა შეზღუდვა, თუ მათი გამოვლინება არ ლახავს სხვათა უფლებებს. მუხლი
საკითხებთან, არავისთვის არ უნდა იყოს ხელმისაწვდომი თვით ამ ადამიანის თანხმობის გარეშე, გარდა კანონით



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
განსაჯოს მხოლოდ იმ სასამართლომ , რომლის იურისდიქციას ექვემდებარეება მისი საქმე; კანონს, თუ ის არ ამსუბუქებს
ან არ აუქმებს პასუხისმგებლობას, უკუძალა არა აქვს,\" ასევე ადამიანის უფლებათა ევროპული კონვენციის
განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის
; საქმეზე პროცესი არ შეწყვეტილა და იგი გრძელდება საპროცესო კანონმდებლოის მიხედვით, ამჟამინდელი საპროცესო



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად
საკითხი არის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს განსჯადი, სადავო საკითხი არ ყოფილა გადაწყვეტილი საკონსტიტუციო
დასაბუთებით (თუ რატომ არ შეესაბამება კანონმდებლობით დადგენილ მოთხოვნებს მოხელე ან რა დარღვევა ჩაიდინა
საყოველთაოდ დათხოვნა არ უნდა ხდებოდეს პოლიტიკური მოსაზრებით, ხელისუფლების თვითნებობით ან ხელისუფლების



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
, გვარი/სახელწოდება პირადი/საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი მისამართი არ აქვს       არ აქვს ალტერნატიული
, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად
კანონის მე-18 მუხლის მოთხოვნები და არ არსებობს აღნიშნული სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებაზე უარის
დაკავშირებით განაცხადა: ,,დაკავებულ პირს დაკავებიდან პირველი 12 საათის განმავლობაში, არ გააჩნია ის



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
/სახელწოდება პირადი/საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი მისამართი არ აქვს       არ აქვს ალტერნატიული
, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად არმიღების
გათავისუფლების შემდეგ ლევან სიგუამ სარჩელით მიმართა თბილისის საქალაქო სასამართლოს, რომელმაც არ
სიგუას ბრალი გამოიხატებოდა იმაში, რომ მან არ აცნობა ბინის მესაკუთრეებს და დევნილებს, როგორც



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
.განმარტებები სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ
სამართალწარმოების შესახებ” საქართველოს კანონის მე-16 მუხლით დადგენილი ყველა მოთხოვნა და არ არსებობს ამავე კანონის
ითხოვს მისგან. 2. მაუწყებლის კონსტიტუციური უფლება, არ გაუშვას პოლიტიკური რეკლამა ეთერში ანუ უფლება არ
იძულება, ილაპარაკოს კონკრეტულ საკითხზე, როცა სპიკერს ამის სურვილი არ გააჩნია. როგორც ამერიკის



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
, გვარი/სახელწოდება პირადი/საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი მისამართი             არ აქვს ალტერნატიული
მდგომარეობას, დაუშვებელია და იურიდიული ძალა არ გააჩნია\" სისხლის სამართლის საპროცესო კოდექსის 72-ე
დაცვით, მაგრამ უარყოფილი არ არის გონივრული ეჭვი მისი შესაძლო გამოცვლის, მისი ნიშან-თვისებების
განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად
განსახილველად არმიღების საფუძვლები. შენიშვნა 4 არ არსებობს \"საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ
\" საქართველოს კანონის მე–18 მუხლით გათვალისწინებული რომელიმე საფუძველი, რომელიც სარჩელის განსახილველად არ
\" კონსტიტუციურობა საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის 21–ე მუხლთან მიმართებით. საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს არ



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
განსაზღვრულ შემთხვევებში და დადგენილი წესით, იმგვარად, რომ არ დაირღვეს საკუთრების უფლების არსი
წესით, იმგვარად, რომ არ დაირღვეს საკუთრების უფლების არსი. საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის მე-14 მუხლი
არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის
თანასწორობის უფლებას; 6. კონკრეტულ შემთხვევაში განსაზღვრული არ არის კონსტიტუციური სარჩელის შეტანის



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
პირველი წინადადება - ნოტარიუსის თანამდებობაზე არ დაინიშნება პირი, რომელიც გათავისუფლდა საჯარო
.განმარტებები სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ
. აღნიშნულიდან გამომდინარე, არ არსებობს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში სარჩელის არსებითად
თანამდებობაზე არ დაინიშნება პირი, რომელიც გათავისუფლდა საჯარო სამსახურიდან ... დისციპლინური გადაცდომის



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
კონსტიტუციის 42 მუხლის მე-5 ნაწილის მე 2 წინადადება. კანონს თუ ის არ ამსუბუქებს ან არ აუქმებს
პასუხისმგებლობას უკუძალა არ აქვს.. ბ) იმ შემთხვევაში, თუ სადავო ნორმების შემოწმებას საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის
კონსტიტუციის 42-ე მუხლის მე-5 ნაწილის მე-2 წინადადება: ,, კანონს თუ ის არ ამსუბუქებს ან არ აუქმებს
პასუხისმგებლობას უკუძალა არ აქვს\". 2) საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის მე-14 მუხლი: ,,ყველა ადამიანი



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
სამეურვეო საბჭო არ არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს რაიმე გადაწყვეტილება, გარდა სარეკომენდაციო გადაწყვეტილებისა
საბჭო არ არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს გადაწყვეტილება, რომლის მისაღებად საჭიროა სამეურვეო საბჭოს სრული
დაწყებამდე საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებლის მოქმედი სამეურვეო საბჭო არ არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს რაიმე
ამოქმედებიდან ახალი სამეურვეო საბჭოს დაკომპლექტებამდე საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებლის სამეურვეო საბჭო არ არის



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
.განმარტებები სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ
. ამასთან, საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს არ უმსჯელია საქართველოს სისხლის სამართლის საპროცესო
კანონის მე-16 მუხლით დადგენილ მოთხოვნებს. სარჩელის აღძვრისას არ დარღვეულა მისი შეტანის კანონით
დადგენილი ვადა. ყოველივე ზემოაღნიშნულის გათვალისწინებით, არ არსებობს წინამდებარე კონსტიტუციური სარჩელის



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო
მიღების საფუძვლები არ არსებობს, ვინაიდან სახეზე არ გვაქვს საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ
კანონის ნორმები, რომლებიც არ შეესაბამება საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის 38-ე მუხლს; დ) სარჩელში მითითებულ
სადავო საკითხზე არ უმსჯელია საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს, შესაბამისად ამ საქმეზე მიღებული არ გახლავთ



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
სხვა კერძო საკითხებთან, არავისთვის არ უნდა იყოს ხელმისაწვდომი თვით ამ ადამიანის თანხმობის გარეშე
დაკავშირებულია ადამიანის ჯანმრთელობასთან, მის ფინანსებთან ან სხვა კერძო საკითხებთან, არავისთვის არ უნდა იყოს
, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად არმიღების
და სხვა კერძო საკითხებთან არსებულ ინფორმაცია არავისთვის არ უნდა იყოს ხელმისაწვდომი თვით ამ ადამიანის



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ; ვებგვერდი: თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ
მოქმედი სამეურვეო საბჭო არ არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს რაიმე გადაწყვეტილება, გარდა სარეკომენდაციო
სამეურვეო საბჭო არ არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს გადაწყვეტილება, რომლის მისაღებად საჭიროა სამეურვეო
უფლებამოსილების დაწყებამდე საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებლის მოქმედი სამეურვეო საბჭო არ არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს
არ არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს გადაწყვეტილება, რომლის მისაღებად საჭიროა სამეურვეო საბჭოს სრული



დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი ს
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__ kʼ

პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი არ იქნება საკმარისი, შეგიძლიათ ფორმას დამატებითი გვერდი დაურთოთ
.განმარტებები წარდგინების არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ არ
-ე მუხლის პირველ და მეორე პუნქტებთან; წარდგინებაში მითითებული საკითხი არ არის გადაწყვეტილი
საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს მიერ; არ არის დარღვეული წარდგინების შეტანის კანონით დადგენილი ვადა; სადავო საკითხი
არ არის გადაწყვეტილი საქართველოს კონსტიტუციით; სადავო ნორმატიულ აქტის კონსტიტუციურობაზე მსჯელობა


დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით წარდგინების რეგისტრაციის N _______ მიღების თარიღი: __ /__ /__ საერთო სასამართლოს წარ
damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ tsʼardginebis registʼratsʰiis N _______ miɣebis tʰariɣi: __ /__ /__

  "docIds": [
  "pouchname": "batumi-sarchelebi",
  "dbname": "batumi-sarchelebi",
  "datumIds": [
  "fieldDBtype": "DataList",
  "version": "v5.26.21",
  "title": "Search Results: orthography:არ",
  "id": "orthography___",
  "docs": [
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " კონსტიტუციის 42 მუხლის  მე-5 ნაწილის მე 2 წინადადება. კანონს თუ ის <em>არ</em> ამსუბუქებს ან <em>არ</em> აუქმებს პასუხისმგებლობას",
            " უკუძალა <em>არ</em> აქვს\n\n ბ) იმ შემთხვევაში, თუ სადავო ნორმების შემოწმებას საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის",
            " კონსტიტუციის 42-ე მუხლის  მე-5 ნაწილის მე-2 წინადადება: ,, კანონს თუ ის <em>არ</em> ამსუბუქებს ან <em>არ</em> აუქმებს",
            " პასუხისმგებლობას უკუძალა <em>არ</em> აქვს\\\".\n\n2) საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის მე-14 მუხლი: ,,ყველა ადამიანი დაბადებით"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120125,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "576_14_02_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო",
            " სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად არმიღების საფუძვლები. შენიშვნა 4\n\n  მოცემულ შემთხვევაში <em>არ</em> არსებობს",
            " საკონსტიტუციო სარჩელის განსახილველად <em>არ</em> მიღების    „საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ“ საქ",
            " მოთხოვნის თანახმად, ის მოქმედი მოსამართლეები, რომლებიც კანონმდებლობით დადგენილი წესითა და ვადაში <em>არ</em>"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?-? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?-?-?-? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?",
          "encryptedValue": "? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?-? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?-?-?-? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?-? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?-?-?-? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "Approved by the Constitutional Court Plenum of 18 April 2011 N81 / 3 Resolution\n \n \n Claim registration N _______\nDate: __ / __ / __\n\n\n\n Constitutional complaint\n\n Chapter II of the Constitution recog",
          "encryptedValue": "Approved by the Constitutional Court Plenum of 18 April 2011 N81 / 3 Resolution\n \n \n Claim registration N _______\nDate: __ / __ / __\n\n\n\n Constitutional complaint\n\n Chapter II of the Constitution recog",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "Approved by the Constitutional Court Plenum of 18 April 2011 N81 / 3 Resolution\n \n \n Claim registration N _______\nDate: __ / __ / __\n\n\n\n Constitutional complaint\n\n Chapter II of the Constitution recog",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
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          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
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          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
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          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "Checked",
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          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "unknown, gina,unknown,unknown,unknown,unknown,unknown,unknown,unknown,unknown",
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          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
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        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "Approved by the Constitutional Court Plenum of 18 April 2011 N81 / 3 Resolution\n \n \n Claim registration N _______\nDate: __ / __ / __\n\n\n\n Constitutional complaint\n\n Chapter II of the Constitution recog",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120129,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "555_07_05_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " განკარგულება მიიღება ზეპირი მოსმენის გარეშე და <em>არ</em> საჩივრდება.” \n\n\n 3. საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის დებულება",
            " განკარგულება მიიღება ზეპირი მოსმენის გარეშე და <em>არ</em> საჩივრდება.”\n საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის 42-ე მუხლის",
            " დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში",
            ". შესაბამისად, <em>არ</em> არსებობს აღნიშნული საკონსტიტუციო სარჩელის განსახილველად <em>არ</em> მიღების ,,საკონსტიტუციო"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120134,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "558_24_06_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            ", დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად",
            " არმიღების საფუძვლები. შენიშვნა 4\n\n <em>არ</em> არსებობს საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ კანონის მე-18",
            " მუხლით გათვალისწინებული სარჩელის <em>არ</em> მიღების საფუძვლები, კერძოდ:\n\nა. ფორმით და შინაარსით შეესაბემება ამ",
            " მიერ, ვინაიდან სადაო ნორმა <em>არ</em> ყოფილა გასაჩივრებული საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში.\nე. მასში მითითებული"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120139,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "585_03_04_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            ", დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად არმიღების",
            ", რომ \\\"საქართველოს სახალხო დამცველს <em>არ</em> ევალება იმის მტკიცება, რომ კონკრეტულად რომელიმე პირის უფლებები",
            " დაუსაბუთებელი გათავისუფლება გარანტირებულია საქართველოს კონსტიტუციით. შესაბამისად, <em>არ</em> არსებობს \\\"საკონსტიტუციო",
            " შემთხვევა, როდესაც კონკრეტული სადავო აქტი <em>არ</em> ახდენს სასამართლოზე წვდომის უფლების პირდაპირ შეზღუდვას"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120143,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "587_07_04_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " შესახებ” კანონის მე-6 მუხლის მე-3 პუნქტის სიტყვები: ,,რომელშიც მოსარჩელე ერთმნიშვნელოვნად <em>არ</em> არის",
            "-3 პუნქტის სიტყვები: ,,რომელშიც მოსარჩელე ერთმნიშვნელოვნად <em>არ</em> არის იდენტიფიცირებული”,,სიტყვისა და",
            "” კანონის მე-6 მუხლის მე-3 პუნქტის სიტყვები: ,,რომელშიც მოსარჩელე ერთმნიშვნელოვნად <em>არ</em> არის",
            " თავისუფლების შესახებ” კანონის მე-6 მუხლის მე-3 პუნქტის სიტყვები: ,,რომელშიც მოსარჩელე ერთმნიშვნელოვნად <em>არ</em>"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120148,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "568_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის",
            ", მოსარჩელის აზრით, <em>არ</em> შეესაბამება ან არღვევს სადავო სამართლებრივი აქტი;\nე) მტკიცებულებანი, რომლებიც",
            " უფლებათა შეზღუდვა კანონით განსაზღვრულ შემთხვევებში და დადგენილი წესით, იმგვარად, რომ <em>არ</em> დაირღვეს",
            " შესაბამის დებულებასთან დაკავშირებით ჩამოყალიბებული სასამართლო პრაქტიკა <em>არ</em> აქვს.\n\nსადავო ნორმათა"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120152,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "559_01_07_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " გადაწყვეტილება <em>არ</em> მიიღო ამ კანონის 22-ე მუხლის 4 1 პუნქტით დადგენილ ვადაში, სადავო აქტის ან მისი სათანადო",
            " სასამართლომ საბოლოო გადაწყვეტილება <em>არ</em> მიიღო ამ კანონის 22-ე მუხლის 4 1 პუნქტით დადგენილ ვადაში",
            " მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში",
            " მიგვაჩნია , რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს , „საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ“ საქართველოს კანონის მე-18 და მე"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
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          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
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          "label": "validationStatus",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
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          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
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      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
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            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
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            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
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            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
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            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
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            "allomorphs": "",
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            "syntacticCategory": ""
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            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120157,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "577_21_02_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " დასაქმებული ასრულებს სამუშაოს, <em>არ</em> უნდა აღემატებოდეს კვირაში 40 საათს, ხოლო სპეციფიკური სამუშაო რეჟიმის",
            " არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი",
            " დასაქმებული ასრულებს სამუშაოს, <em>არ</em> უნდა აღემატებოდეს კვირაში 40 საათს, ხოლო სპეციფიკური სამუშაო",
            " საქართველოს მთავრობა. სამუშაო დროში <em>არ</em> ითვლება შესვენების დრო და დასვენების დრო\\\". აღნინშული ნორმა არის"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120161,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "565_15_10_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            ", გვარი/სახელწოდება\n პირადი/საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი\n მისამართი\n\n <em>არ</em> აქვს\n      \n      \n\n ალტერნატიული",
            ".განმარტებები სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em>",
            " აქტების შესახებ\\\" საქართველოს კანონი <em>არ</em> ითვალისწინებს საკუთარი გვარის აღმავალი შტოს ნათესავის, კერძოდ",
            " ბებიის გვართან გაერთიანებას. \n\nამდენად, ვინაიდან კანონი <em>არ</em> ითვალისწინებს საკუთარი გვარის ბებიის"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120166,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "570_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            ".განმარტებები სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em>",
            " სახალხო დამცველს <em>არ</em> ევალება იმის მტკიცება, რომ კონკრეტულად რომელიმე პირის უფლებები უკვე დაირღვა ან",
            " საქართველოს კონსტიტუციით. შესაბამისად, <em>არ</em> არსებობს \\\"საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ",
            "–ე მუხლთან მიმართებით, მაგრამ მიუხედავად ამისა, <em>არ</em> არის ამომწურავად განსაზღვრული მისი შინაარსი"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120170,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "572_22_01_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " თვითმმართველობის საჯარო მოსამსახურეთა საშტატო რაოდენობაა არანაკლებ 30 ერთეულისა. ის <em>არ</em> უნდა აღემატებოდეს საჯარო",
            " დამატებით მიღებულ ჯამს.\n\n 2. მუნიციპალიტეტის შტატგარეშე მოსამსახურეთა რაოდენობა <em>არ</em> უნდა აღემატებოდეს",
            " საკრებულოს აპარატის საჯარო მოსამსახურეთა შრომის ანაზღაურების ხარჯები <em>არ</em> უნდა აღემატებოდეს მუნიციპალიტეტის",
            ", რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად არმიღების"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120174,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "586_04_04_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " შეზღუდვა, თუ მათი გამოვლინება <em>არ</em> ლახავს სხვათა უფლებებს.\nმუხლი 20 \n\n1. ყოველი ადამიანის პირადი ცხოვრება",
            " ადამიანის ჯანმრთელობასთან, მის ფინანსებთან ან სხვა კერძო საკითხებთან, არავისთვის <em>არ</em> უნდა იყოს",
            " ამ მუხლში ჩამოთვლილ თავისუფლებათა შეზღუდვა, თუ მათი გამოვლინება <em>არ</em> ლახავს სხვათა უფლებებს.\n\nმუხლი",
            " საკითხებთან, არავისთვის <em>არ</em> უნდა იყოს ხელმისაწვდომი თვით ამ ადამიანის თანხმობის გარეშე, გარდა კანონით"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
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            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
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            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
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            "allomorphs": "",
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            "syntacticCategory": ""
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            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120179,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "581_24_03_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " განსაჯოს მხოლოდ იმ სასამართლომ , რომლის იურისდიქციას ექვემდებარეება მისი საქმე; კანონს, თუ ის <em>არ</em> ამსუბუქებს",
            " ან <em>არ</em> აუქმებს პასუხისმგებლობას, უკუძალა არა აქვს,\\\"  ასევე ადამიანის უფლებათა ევროპული კონვენციის",
            " განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის",
            ";  საქმეზე პროცესი <em>არ</em> შეწყვეტილა და იგი გრძელდება საპროცესო კანონმდებლოის მიხედვით, ამჟამინდელი საპროცესო"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120183,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "557_19_06_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად",
            " საკითხი არის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს განსჯადი, სადავო საკითხი <em>არ</em> ყოფილა გადაწყვეტილი საკონსტიტუციო",
            " დასაბუთებით (თუ რატომ <em>არ</em> შეესაბამება კანონმდებლობით დადგენილ მოთხოვნებს მოხელე ან რა დარღვევა ჩაიდინა",
            " საყოველთაოდ დათხოვნა <em>არ</em> უნდა ხდებოდეს პოლიტიკური მოსაზრებით, ხელისუფლების თვითნებობით ან ხელისუფლების"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120188,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "582_31_03_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            ", გვარი/სახელწოდება\n პირადი/საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი\n მისამართი\n\n <em>არ</em> აქვს\n      \n <em>არ</em> აქვს\n\n ალტერნატიული",
            ", დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად",
            " კანონის მე-18 მუხლის მოთხოვნები და <em>არ</em> არსებობს აღნიშნული სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებაზე უარის",
            " დაკავშირებით განაცხადა: ,,დაკავებულ პირს დაკავებიდან პირველი 12 საათის განმავლობაში, <em>არ</em> გააჩნია ის"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
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      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
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            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
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            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
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            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120192,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "567_25_10_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            "/სახელწოდება\n პირადი/საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი\n მისამართი\n\n <em>არ</em> აქვს\n      \n <em>არ</em> აქვს\n\n ალტერნატიული",
            ", დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად არმიღების",
            " გათავისუფლების შემდეგ ლევან სიგუამ სარჩელით მიმართა თბილისის საქალაქო სასამართლოს, რომელმაც <em>არ</em>",
            " სიგუას ბრალი გამოიხატებოდა იმაში, რომ მან <em>არ</em> აცნობა ბინის მესაკუთრეებს და დევნილებს, როგორც"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120197,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "562_07_08_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            ".განმარტებები სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em>",
            " სამართალწარმოების შესახებ” საქართველოს კანონის მე-16 მუხლით დადგენილი ყველა მოთხოვნა და <em>არ</em> არსებობს ამავე კანონის",
            " ითხოვს მისგან. \n\n2. მაუწყებლის კონსტიტუციური უფლება, <em>არ</em> გაუშვას პოლიტიკური რეკლამა ეთერში ანუ უფლება <em>არ</em>",
            " იძულება, ილაპარაკოს კონკრეტულ საკითხზე, როცა სპიკერს ამის სურვილი <em>არ</em> გააჩნია. \n\nროგორც ამერიკის"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120201,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "566_21_10_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            ", გვარი/სახელწოდება\n პირადი/საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი\n მისამართი\n\n      \n      \n <em>არ</em> აქვს\n\n ალტერნატიული",
            " მდგომარეობას, დაუშვებელია და იურიდიული ძალა <em>არ</em> გააჩნია\\\"\n\nსისხლის სამართლის საპროცესო კოდექსის 72-ე",
            " დაცვით, მაგრამ უარყოფილი <em>არ</em> არის გონივრული ეჭვი მისი შესაძლო გამოცვლის, მისი ნიშან-თვისებების",
            " განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
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            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
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            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
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            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120206,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "579_07_03_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად",
            " განსახილველად არმიღების საფუძვლები. შენიშვნა 4\n\n \n<em>არ</em> არსებობს \\\"საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ",
            "\\\" საქართველოს კანონის მე–18 მუხლით გათვალისწინებული რომელიმე საფუძველი, რომელიც სარჩელის განსახილველად <em>არ</em>",
            "\\\" კონსტიტუციურობა საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის 21–ე მუხლთან მიმართებით.  საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს <em>არ</em>"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
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            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
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            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
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            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120211,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "575_11_02_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " განსაზღვრულ შემთხვევებში და დადგენილი წესით, იმგვარად, რომ <em>არ</em> დაირღვეს საკუთრების უფლების არსი",
            " წესით, იმგვარად, რომ <em>არ</em> დაირღვეს საკუთრების უფლების არსი.\n\nსაქართველოს კონსტიტუციის მე-14 მუხლი",
            " არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის",
            " თანასწორობის უფლებას;\n\n6. კონკრეტულ შემთხვევაში განსაზღვრული <em>არ</em> არის კონსტიტუციური სარჩელის შეტანის"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120216,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "563_17_09_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " პირველი წინადადება -\n\nნოტარიუსის თანამდებობაზე <em>არ</em> დაინიშნება პირი, რომელიც გათავისუფლდა საჯარო",
            ".განმარტებები სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em>",
            ". \n\nაღნიშნულიდან გამომდინარე, <em>არ</em> არსებობს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში სარჩელის არსებითად",
            " თანამდებობაზე <em>არ</em> დაინიშნება პირი, რომელიც გათავისუფლდა საჯარო სამსახურიდან ... დისციპლინური გადაცდომის"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120220,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "556_14_06_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " კონსტიტუციის 42 მუხლის  მე-5 ნაწილის მე 2 წინადადება. კანონს თუ ის <em>არ</em> ამსუბუქებს ან <em>არ</em> აუქმებს",
            " პასუხისმგებლობას უკუძალა <em>არ</em> აქვს..\n\n ბ) იმ შემთხვევაში, თუ სადავო ნორმების შემოწმებას საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის",
            " კონსტიტუციის 42-ე მუხლის  მე-5 ნაწილის მე-2 წინადადება: ,, კანონს თუ ის <em>არ</em> ამსუბუქებს ან <em>არ</em> აუქმებს",
            " პასუხისმგებლობას უკუძალა <em>არ</em> აქვს\\\".\n\n2) საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის მე-14 მუხლი: ,,ყველა ადამიანი"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
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            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120225,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "571_20_01_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " სამეურვეო საბჭო <em>არ</em> არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს რაიმე გადაწყვეტილება, გარდა სარეკომენდაციო გადაწყვეტილებისა",
            " საბჭო <em>არ</em> არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს გადაწყვეტილება, რომლის მისაღებად საჭიროა სამეურვეო საბჭოს სრული",
            " დაწყებამდე საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებლის მოქმედი სამეურვეო საბჭო <em>არ</em> არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს რაიმე",
            " ამოქმედებიდან ახალი სამეურვეო საბჭოს დაკომპლექტებამდე საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებლის სამეურვეო საბჭო <em>არ</em> არის"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
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          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120230,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "569_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            ".განმარტებები სარჩელის არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em>",
            ". ამასთან, საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს <em>არ</em> უმსჯელია საქართველოს სისხლის სამართლის საპროცესო",
            " კანონის მე-16 მუხლით დადგენილ მოთხოვნებს. სარჩელის აღძვრისას <em>არ</em> დარღვეულა მისი შეტანის კანონით",
            " დადგენილი ვადა. ყოველივე ზემოაღნიშნულის გათვალისწინებით, <em>არ</em> არსებობს წინამდებარე კონსტიტუციური სარჩელის"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
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            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
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            "allomorphs": "",
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            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120235,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "574_11_02_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო",
            " მიღების საფუძვლები <em>არ</em> არსებობს, ვინაიდან სახეზე <em>არ</em> გვაქვს საკონსტიტუციო სამართალწარმოების შესახებ",
            " კანონის ნორმები, რომლებიც <em>არ</em> შეესაბამება საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის 38-ე მუხლს;\n\nდ) სარჩელში მითითებულ",
            " სადავო საკითხზე <em>არ</em> უმსჯელია საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს, შესაბამისად ამ საქმეზე მიღებული <em>არ</em> გახლავთ"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120240,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "564_02_10_2013"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " სხვა კერძო საკითხებთან, არავისთვის\n\n<em>არ</em> უნდა იყოს ხელმისაწვდომი თვით ამ ადამიანის თანხმობის გარეშე",
            " დაკავშირებულია\n\nადამიანის ჯანმრთელობასთან, მის ფინანსებთან ან სხვა კერძო საკითხებთან, არავისთვის\n\n<em>არ</em> უნდა იყოს",
            ", დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em> არსებობს თქვენი სარჩელის საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოში არსებითად განსახილველად არმიღების",
            " და სხვა კერძო საკითხებთან არსებულ ინფორმაცია  არავისთვის <em>არ</em> უნდა იყოს ხელმისაწვდომი თვით ამ ადამიანის"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120245,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "584_01_04_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            "; ვებგვერდი: \n\n თუ რომელიმე პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em>",
            " მოქმედი სამეურვეო საბჭო <em>არ</em> არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს რაიმე გადაწყვეტილება, გარდა სარეკომენდაციო",
            " სამეურვეო საბჭო <em>არ</em> არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს გადაწყვეტილება, რომლის მისაღებად საჭიროა სამეურვეო",
            " უფლებამოსილების დაწყებამდე საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებლის მოქმედი სამეურვეო საბჭო <em>არ</em> არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს",
            " <em>არ</em> არის უფლებამოსილი, მიიღოს გადაწყვეტილება, რომლის მისაღებად საჭიროა სამეურვეო საბჭოს სრული"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "enteredByUser"
          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ModifiedByUser",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "modifiedByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "users",
          "id": "modifiedByUser"
          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticTreeLatex",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticTreeLatex",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
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          "type": "LaTeX",
          "id": "syntacticTreeLatex"
      "igtCache": {
        "tuples": [
            "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია",
            "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "morphemes": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საქართველოს",
            "utterance": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "morphemes": "sakʰartʰvelos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "საკონსტიტუციო",
            "utterance": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "morphemes": "sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სასამართლოს",
            "utterance": "sasamartʰlos",
            "morphemes": "sasamartʰlos",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "პლენუმის",
            "utterance": "pʼlenumis",
            "morphemes": "pʼlenumis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "2011",
            "utterance": "2011",
            "morphemes": "2011",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "წლის",
            "utterance": "tsʼlis",
            "morphemes": "tsʼlis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "18",
            "utterance": "18",
            "morphemes": "18",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "აპრილის",
            "utterance": "apʼrilis",
            "morphemes": "apʼrilis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N81/3",
            "utterance": "N81/3",
            "morphemes": "N81/3",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "დადგენილებით",
            "utterance": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "morphemes": "dadgenilebitʰ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელის",
            "utterance": "sartʃʰelis",
            "morphemes": "sartʃʰelis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "რეგისტრაციის",
            "utterance": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "morphemes": "registʼratsʰiis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "N",
            "utterance": "N",
            "morphemes": "N",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "_______",
            "utterance": "_______",
            "morphemes": "_______",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "მიღების",
            "utterance": "miɣebis",
            "morphemes": "miɣebis",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "თარიღი:",
            "utterance": "tʰariɣi:",
            "morphemes": "tʰariɣi:",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "__",
            "utterance": "__",
            "morphemes": "__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "/__",
            "utterance": "/__",
            "morphemes": "/__",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "კონსტიტუციური",
            "utterance": "kʼ",
            "morphemes": "kʼ",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "სარჩელი",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
            "orthography": "ს",
            "utterance": "",
            "morphemes": "",
            "allomorphs": "",
            "gloss": "",
            "syntacticCategory": ""
        "parallelText": {
          "orthography": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n სარჩელის რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n კონსტიტუციური სარჩელი\n\n ს",
          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n sartʃʰelis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n kʼ",
          "translation": "",
          "russian": ""
      "maxScore": 2.2449978,
      "fieldDBtype": "LanguageDatum",
      "comments": [],
      "session": {
        "fieldDBtype": "Session",
        "fields": [],
        "dateCreated": 1714022120250,
        "version": "v5.26.21",
        "api": "sessions"
      "version": "v5.26.21",
      "api": "datums",
      "id": "578_24_02_2014"
      "audioVideo": [],
      "datumFields": [
          "size": "3",
          "help": "Acceptablity judgement (*,#,?  mean this sentence is strange).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Grammaticality Judgement",
          "labelTranslators": "Grammatical/How-normal-Is-This-Example",
          "helpLinguists": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*, #, ?, 1-3, etc.). Leave this field blank if this entry is grammatical/acceptable.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Grammaticality/acceptability judgement (*,#,?,1-3 etc). Leaving it blank usually means grammatical/acceptable, or your team can choose any symbol for this meaning.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Not-a-normal-thing-to-say",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "judgement",
          "labelExperimenters": "Naturalness",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "id": "judgement"
          "help": "What was said/written using the alphabet/writing system of the language.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Orthography",
          "helpLinguists": "Orthographic transcription of the utterance; without morpheme breaks.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Many teams will only use the utterance line. However if your team needs to distinguish between utterance and orthography this is the unparsed word/sentence/dialog/paragraph/document in the language, in its native orthography. If there are more than one orthography an additional field can be added to the corpus. This is Line 0 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts (if you distinguish the orthography from the utterance line and you choose to display the orthography for your language consultants and/or native speaker linguists). Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n წარდგინების რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n საერთო სასამართლოს წარ",
          "encryptedValue": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n წარდგინების რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n საერთო სასამართლოს წარ",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Written",
          "value": "დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს პლენუმის 2011 წლის 18 აპრილის N81/3 დადგენილებით\n \n \n წარდგინების რეგისტრაციის  N   _______\nმიღების თარიღი:   __ /__  /__\n\n\n\n საერთო სასამართლოს წარ",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "highlighted": [
            " პუნქტის შესავსებად გამოყოფილი ადგილი <em>არ</em> იქნება საკმარისი, შეგიძლიათ ფორმას დამატებითი გვერდი დაურთოთ",
            ".განმარტებები წარდგინების არსებითად განსახილველად მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით \n\n გთხოვთ, დაასაბუთოთ, რომ <em>არ</em>",
            "-ე მუხლის პირველ და მეორე პუნქტებთან; წარდგინებაში მითითებული საკითხი <em>არ</em> არის გადაწყვეტილი",
            " საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლოს მიერ; <em>არ</em> არის დარღვეული წარდგინების შეტანის კანონით დადგენილი ვადა; სადავო საკითხი",
            " <em>არ</em> არის გადაწყვეტილი საქართველოს კონსტიტუციით; სადავო ნორმატიულ აქტის კონსტიტუციურობაზე მსჯელობა"
          "label": "orthography",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "orthography"
          "help": "What was said/written in an alphabet the team is comfortable using.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Transcription",
          "labelTranslators": "Transliteration",
          "helpLinguists": "Transcription of the utterance, without morpheme breaks and probably orthographic.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Unparsed utterance in the language, in orthography or romanized or IPA transcription (what ever is commonly used for linguistic examples of this language.) Line 1 in your LaTeXed examples for handouts. Sample entry: amigas",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n tsʼardginebis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n tsʼardginebis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n tsʼardginebis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "utterance",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT, parallelText",
          "id": "utterance"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes using a - between each eg: un-forget-able.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morphemes",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefix-z-root-suffix-z",
          "helpLinguists": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language, probably transcribed phonemically.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Can optionally appear below (or instead of) the first line in your LaTeXed examples. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n tsʼardginebis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__",
          "encryptedValue": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n tsʼardginebis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Segmentation",
          "value": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n tsʼardginebis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "morphemes",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "morphemes"
          "help": "Words divided into prefixes, root and suffixes which match the spelling of the word (not necessarily the actual dictionary entry of the word) using a - between each eg: prefix-prefix-root-suffix-suffix-suffix.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Allomorphs",
          "labelTranslators": "Prefixe-s-root-suffixe-s",
          "helpLinguists": "A segmentation of the utterance into morphemes in their surface realizations.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Surface realizations of the morpheme-segmented utterance in the language. Used by the system to help generate glosses (below). Usually does not appear in your LaTeX examples unless you are working on morpho-phonology. Sample entry: amig-a-s",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "allomorphs",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "allomorphs"
          "help": "Translation for each prefix, root and suffix in the words.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Gloss",
          "labelTranslators": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of glosses (i.e., brief translations), one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Metalanguage glosses of each individual morpheme (above). Used by the system to help gloss, in combination with morphemes (above). It is Line 2 in your LaTeXed examples. We recommend Leipzig conventions (. for fusional morphemes, - for morpheme boundaries etc).  Sample entry: friend-fem-pl",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Word-for-word Translation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "gloss",
          "showToUserTypes": "linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "gloss"
          "help": "Translation into English, use по-русски for Russian version.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Translation",
          "labelTranslators": "English",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "English",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "translation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "translation",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Translation into Russian",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "по-русски",
          "helpLinguists": "A translation of the utterance in the language of analysis, i.e., the metalanguage.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "The team's primary translation. It might not be English, just a language the team is comfortable with (in which case you should change the lable to the language you are using). There may also be additional translations in the other fields.",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Russian",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "russian",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "parallelText",
          "id": "russian",
          "helpNonLinguists": "Translation into English/Spanish/Russian, or simply a language the team is comfortable with. There may also be additional languages in the other fields."
          "help": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Context",
          "helpLinguists": "Linguistic/social context when this can be said, or when it is semantically/pragmatically felicitous etc.",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "context",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki",
          "id": "context"
          "help": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation).",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Discussion",
          "labelTranslators": "Documentation",
          "helpLinguists": "Additional discussion of this example (for handouts or for documentation). This can be in Wiki or LaTeX or plain text formatting",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Additional Documentation",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "documentation",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "wiki, LaTeX",
          "id": "documentation"
          "help": "This is an optional field which can be used to help with search and data cleaning. eg: noun-thematicvowel-plural",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Morpho-Syntactic Category",
          "labelTranslators": "Part of Speech",
          "helpLinguists": "A sequence of categories, one for each morpheme in the “morphemes” field.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of syntactic category tagging you wish. It could be very theoretical like Distributed Morphology (Sample entry: √-GEN-NUM), or very a-theroretical like the Penn Tree Bank Tag Set. (Sample entry: NNS)",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": true,
          "labelNonLinguists": "SyntacticCategory",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "syntacticCategory",
          "showToUserTypes": "machine, linguist",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "IGT",
          "id": "syntacticCategory"
          "help": "Related data in the database, or at any web url.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Related Data",
          "labelTranslators": "Linked to",
          "json": {},
          "labelComputationalLinguists": "Linked Data",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Linked to",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "relatedData",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "relatedData",
          "id": "relatedData"
          "help": "Tags for categorizing your data.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Tags",
          "json": {},
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "tags",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "tags"
          "help": "Tags about data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Data validity/verification Status",
          "helpLinguists": "Tags specifically relevant to data validity, e.g., “NeedsToBeChecked”.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "Any number of tags of data validity. For example: ToBeCheckedBySeberina, CheckedByRicardo, Deleted etc...",
          "mask": "",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "ValidationStatus",
          "value": "",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "validationStatus",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
          "version": "v3.22.19",
          "defaultfield": true,
          "type": "tags",
          "id": "validationStatus"
          "help": "The user who originally entered this.",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Imported/Entered By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "mask": "unknown",
          "shouldBeEncrypted": false,
          "labelNonLinguists": "Entered By",
          "value": "unknown",
          "fieldDBtype": "DatumField",
          "label": "enteredByUser",
          "showToUserTypes": "all",
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          "help": "Users who modified this",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Modified By",
          "readonly": true,
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "An array of users who modified this, this can optionally introduce a 'CheckedByUsername' into the datum's validation status if your team chooses.",
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          "help": "This an optional field. If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
          "labelFieldLinguists": "Syntactic Tree/Constituency (LaTeX)",
          "helpLinguists": "A string-based representation of a syntax tree, i.e., a tree in bracket notation. We assume you will use the bracket notation conventions of The LaTeX tree-drawing package QTree, but you may use others if you wish.",
          "json": {},
          "helpDevelopers": "This optional field is used by the machine to make LaTeX trees and help with search and data cleaning, in combination with morphemes and gloss (above). If you want to use it, you can choose to use any sort of LaTeX Tree package (we use QTree by default) Sample entry: \\Tree [.S NP VP ]",
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          "utterance": "damtʼkʼitsʰebulia sakʰartʰvelos sakʼonstʼitʼutsʰio sasamartʰlos pʼlenumis 2011 tsʼlis 18 apʼrilis N81/3 dadgenilebitʰ\n \n \n tsʼardginebis registʼratsʰiis  N   _______\nmiɣebis tʰariɣi:   __ /__  /__",
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      "api": "datums",
      "id": "583_01_04_2014"
  "description": "Showing 29 of 29 results, you can click on any of the items to see more details to further refine your search."